What is the definition of a joint?
A location where two or more bones come together.
Provide both anatomical and physiological name:
An immovable joint.
Anatomical: Fibrous Joint
Physiological: Synarthrosis
Most movable joint, ex. the shoulder
Ball and socket joint
Sticking out a body part (head, tongue, jaw) is known as _____, while pulling it back in is ______.
Raising a body part (shoulders, jaw) is __________, lowering them is ______________.
What are the two jobs of joints?
Allow movement, Hold skeleton together
Provide both anatomical and physiological name:
A freely movable joint.
Anatomical: Synovial Joint
Physiological: Diarthrosis
Bones slide against each other slightly, ex. carpals
Plane joint
Twisting a limb or the head towards the midline is ___________.
Twisting a limb or the head out to the side is _____________.
Medial rotation
Lateral rotation
180 degree twisting (neck, shoulder, hip) is _______.
Circular motion at a ball and socket joint is ________.
What does the anatomical name tell us about a joint?
What material separates/holds the bones together.
Provide both anatomical and physiological name:
A joint with limited mobility.
Anatomical: Cartilaginous Joint
Physiological: Amphiarthrosis
Allows bones to rotate 180 degrees, ex. atlas-axis
Pivot joint
Decreasing an angle between 2 bones (bending) is __________.
Increasing an angle between 2 bones (straightening) is ____________.
Pulling a limb away from the midline (out to the side) is ____________.
Pulling a limb back towards the midline (that WAS to the side) is ____________.
What does the physiological name tell us about joints?
Provide both anatomical and physiological name:
Knee joint.
Anatomical: Synovial Joint
Physiological: Diarthrosis
Allows joint to bend and straighten and move side-to-side significantly, ex. thumb
Saddle joint
Rotation of the wrist so palm faces up is ________. Rotation of the wrist so palm faces down is ________.
Extending beyond a straight line (backbend, looking up) is __________.
What is another name for a joint?
Provide both anatomical and physiological name:
Ribs - Sternum
Anatomical: Cartilaginous Joint
Physiological: Amphiarthrosis
Modified ball and socket, allows bending, straightening, and some side-to-side movement
Condyloid joint
Pointing your toes and foot downwards (heel up) is ________________.
Pointing your toes and foot upwards (heel down) is ________________.
Elevating the medial soles of the foot (pinkie toe side down) is ______________.
Elevating the lateral soles of the foot (big toe side down) is ______________.