The first of the pillar men Joseph defeated before the main three were awakened?
Who is Santana (also known as Santviento)?
The stand that Bucciarati battles on a ship that has the ability to deflate people like balloons.
What is Soft Machine?
The band that wrote the songs that inspired the names of each of Yoshikage Kira's abilities.
Who is Queen?
Finish the quote:
DIO: "Oh? You're approaching me?"
"Instead of running away, you're coming right at me?"
The country that is Araki a big fan of that has appeared in multiple Jojo parts.
Where is Italy?
The name of DIO's father.
Who is Dario Brando?
The stand that Polnareff battles in a hotel room.
What is Ebony Devil?
The localized name of Abbacchio's stand, Moody Blues.
What is Moody Jazz?
The person who said "Hey, Baby!".
Who is William Zeppeli?
The song and singer that Jotaro asked Joseph about to test if it was really him at the end of Part 3.
Who is "American Pie" and Weird Al Yankovic?
The real name of Lisa Lisa.
Who is Elizabeth Joestar?
The number of Part 3 stands that have a color in their name.
What is eight? (Star Platinum, Magician's Red, Hermit Purple, Heirophant Green, Tower of Gray, Silver Chariot, Dark Blue Moon, Ebony Devil)
What is Vento Aureo?
The person who said the iconic line "I refuse".
Who is Rohan Kishibe?
The object that Joseph uses to defeat Esidisi.
What is a wool hat?
The enemy stand user that is the son of Enya the Hag?
Who is J. Geil?
The Part 4 stand that has the same stats as Star Platinum with only difference being that the stats for range and precision are switched.
What is Red Hot Chile Peppers?
The reason behind the 13 in the name of the stand Death 13.
What is the Death tarot card's status as card number thirteen?
The enemy stand user Jotaro is speaking to when he says "You truly are the lowest scum in history".
Who is Steely Dan?
The country where the Stardust Crusaders first meet Polnareff.
Where is Hong Kong?
The only member of Bucciarati's group that is not playable in the video game, Jojo's Bizzare Adventure: Eyes of Heaven.
Who is Leone Abbacchio?
The stand of Part 4's Toshikazu Hazamada.
What is Surface?
The song that Josuke's stand, Crazy Diamond, derives its name from and the band who made it.
What is "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" by Pink Floid?
The person who said "What a beautiful Dewang" in the faulty fan-translation of Part 4.
Who is Yoshikage Kira?
The dish that Tonio gives to Okuyasu to cure him if his tiredness.
What is a glass of mineral water?