Why are basket ball players so messy
They dribble a lot
Why did the math teacher go berry picking
She really liked pie
What is a vegetables favorite joke
A corny one
Why did the dinosaur cross the road
The chicken wasn't there yet
Why did the lobster not share his candy
He was shellfish
Why did the football player tackle the gumball machine
He wanted his quarterback
Why can’t you sell joke books in school
Your teacher doesn't want any funny business
What do you call a fake noodle
Why did the dinosaur take a bath
To get ex-stinked
Why can't a elephant's go to pool's
Their trunks hang too low
What is something you can serve but can't eat
A volley ball
Why shouldn't there be a clock in the library
It tocks too much
What do you call a cow with no legs
Ground beef
What did one Machu Picchu Temple say to the other
Isn't this view Incaretable
Why can't you trust a dog with a TV remote
They always press the pause button
Why do golfers wear 2 pairs of pants
In case they get a hole in one
What is the difference between a teacher and a train
One says don’t chew gum but the other says chew chew
What vegetable wears socks
How did Benjamin Franklin feel when he discovered electricity
When is man like snake
When they have a frog in their throat
Why did the bowling pins sit down
They were on strike
What did the custodian say when he jumped out of the closet
What are trees favorite candy
Why did the math book feel sad in history class
It could not count on the past
What animals eat the most?
A turkey because it gobble gobble gobbles