What job did the frog have at the hotel???
It was a bellhop!!!!!!!!!
What do you call a sleeping t-rex????
A dino-snore!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why do cows where bells??
Because their horns don't work!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why do math books always look sad?
Because they sadly have a lot of problems!!!!
A book fell on my head.
I only have the shelf to blame.
Why did the robber take a shower?
To have a clean getaway!!!!
What do you give a thirsty crocodile?
How did the picture end up in prison?
It was framed!!!!!!
Because his car was toad!!!!!!!!!
Why did the belt go to jail??
Because it held up a pair of pants...!!!!!!!!!!
Why was the broom late for work?????
It over swept!!!!!!!!!!
Why did the teacher jump into the pool???
because they wanted to test the water!!!!!!!!
A can't opener!!!!!!!!!
Cause they are dead!!!!!!!!
... A walk!!!!!!!!!!!
Why did the strawberry cry.
He found himself in a jam.
Why won't skeletons fight each other???
They don't have the guts to!!!!!!!!
Why shoudn't you trust trees??
because they seem shady!!!!!!!
What has loads of keys but doesn't open a door?????
A piano!!!!!!!!
Why did the fish blush?????
Because it saw the oceans bottom!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can a kangaroo jump higher than a house??
Yes__ houses can't even jump......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why are elevator jokes so good???
Because they work on many levels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Because they'll break their bones!!!!!(and lose their marbles even though they don't have any right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
What did the traffic light say to the car?
Don't look i'm about to change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why do some people eat snails?
Well, they might not really like fast food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!