What city did God command Jonah to go to? (Jn 1:2)
Jonah was the son of
Where did Jonah flee to in order to avoid the call of God?
Why did God send send Jonah to Nineveh?
Because its wickedness had come up before God
What was Jonah's response to God's command to go to preach against Nineveh?
He ran away
From where did Jonah call for help?
From the depth of the grave
What did Jonah do from inside the fish
He prayed
Where did God cast Jonah according to Chapter 2:3?
Into the deep, in the midst of the seas
What passed over Jonah in Chapter 2 and verse 3?
Billows and waves
Where did Jonah say he would look again according to chapter 2 and verse 4
Towards thy holy temple
What was the message the second time when the word of the Lord came to Jonah?
Arise, go unto Nineveh, that great city and preach unto it the preaching that given before
What message did Jonah preached in Nineveh upon entering the city?
Forty days and Nineveh will be overthrown
What was Nineveh's response to Jonah's preaching?
They believe God and proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth
What did the Lord do after Jonah boarded a ship to flee to Tarshish?
Sent a great wind threatening the ship
What did the Sailors do when they were afraid of the boat breaking up?
They cried out each to his own god
What did the king of Nineveh order in the decree after hearing Jonah's message?
That neither man or beast, herd nor flock, taste anything: let them not feed nor drink water
What was the king of Nineveh hoping in his decree to his people in chapter 3 verse 9?
That God would turn away from his fierce anger and cause them not to perish
After the vine died what did God ask Jonah?
Did he have a right to be angry?
When the word came unto the king of Nineveh, what four things did he do?
1. Got up from his Throne
2. Laid his robe from him
3. Covered him with sackcloth
4. Sat in ashes
What happened to Jonah's head when he was engulfed by waters?
Seaweed wrapped around his head
When Nineveh repented what was Jonah's response?
He was exceedingly and very angry.
After God spared Nineveh, what did Jonah wish for himself?
That the Lord take away his life
What did God ask Jonah after he expressed his anger at Nineveh being spared?
Have you any right to be angry?
What did Jonah make for himself when he went out of the city and sat on the east side of the city?
A booth/shelter
Besides the blazing, what did God send so Jonah grew faint?
A vehement east wind