How many chapters are in the Book of Jonah?
Four (4) chapters
How long was Jonah in the belly of the fish?
What is 3 days and 3 nights
What did Jonah do after God repented from destroying Nineveh?
He went out of the city and made a shelter
What is a gourd plant?
It's a plant that has big leaves. Examples of gourds are pumpkins, squash, watermelon and cantaloupe.
What did Jonah want God to do to Nineveh?
Jonah did not want God to save Nineveh, he wanted God to destroy the city.
What does the name Jonah mean in Hebrew?
Jonah came from the Hebrew word "Yonah" which means "Dove."
What did Jonah do while he was in the belly of the fish?
Jonah prayed and repented
Why did Jonah set up shelter after he saw that God repented and did not destroy the city?
Because he wanted to see what would happen to Nineveh after the end of the 40 days.
What did God provide Jonah to save him from the shade?
God provided a gourd
Psalm 103:8 says that "The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy."
What does slow to anger mean?
Slow to anger means that God does not react quickly and harshly.
How many times in the Book of Jonah did Jonah ask God to take his life?
Twice. Jonah 1:12 & Jonah 4:3
What was God's response when Jonah prayed inside the fish?
God answered his prayers by commanding the great fish to vomit Jonah onto dry land.
Did the Lord spare Ninevah? Why or Why Not?
Yes. The Lord spared Nineveh because they repented of their sins and turned from their wicked ways. This prompted God to show them mercy and spare the City
What destroyed the gourd plant?
A worm
What did Jonah do with his second chance?
He went to Nineveh and preach repentance
Did Jonah think it was better to die than to take God's message to the Ninevite?
Yes. Jonah knew that if the Ninevites repented God would spare them. He did not want the Ninevites to share the same privileges the Israelites had with God.
How many times did the Lord ask Jonah to go to Nineveh before he was obedient?
2 times
What did we learn about Jonah from the lesson of the dying plant?
That he cared more about the plant because of what it was doing for him (his own pleasures) than the salvation of people in a very large city (Nineveh).
What was Jonah's attitude toward God saving Ninevah?
Jonah was angry
How did Jonah receive God's mercy?
Yes, Jonah received God's mercy when he was vomited onto dry land after being swallowed by a great fish
Jonah 4:2 tells us that Jonah knew that though repentance God would not bring judgement. Yet in Jonah 1:12, he did not tell the sailors that he needed to repent, instead he said for them to throw him into the sea. Why?
He felt it was better to die than live. By dying he did not have to preach repentance to the Ninevites.
When Jonah went through Ninevah how many days did he proclaim it would be before the city was overthrown?
40 days
What was Jonah's mood at the end of the Book of Jonah?
He was angry. Jonah wanted the Ninevites to be punished/destroyed not forgiven.
Jonah told God his reason for running away. What did he tell God?
Jonah told God that he Knew God was kind and merciful. He said that he knew that God would forgive the people of Nineveh if they asked for forgiveness.
What lesson was God teaching Jonah with the gourd plant?
Jonah cared about the plant and did not want it to die. God used the plant as a lesson to show Jonah how it feels when something he cares about is destroyed. God cared about the people of Nineveh and did not want them to be destroyed.