This rare Joker allows you to copy the Joker to the right
What is Blueprint?
The result of multiplying two numbers together
What is product?
This electric rodent is seen as the mascot for the franchise?
What is Pikachu?
This organ controls the nervous system
What is the Brain?
This card negates a card or effect that would add a card to the hand, send a card to the graveyard, or special summon a card from the deck. (Would be surprised if PJ knew the answer)
What is Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring?
If you want to make your Flushes better, this planet card is for you
What is Jupiter?
The length from one end of a circle to the other
What is Diameter?
What is Fighting?
This Austrian neurologist who was the founder of psychoanalysis theory
Who is Sigmund Freud?
This normal spell card destroys all monsters on the field
What is Dark Hole?
Did you like that Tarot card you just activated? This Tarot card gives you another copy
What is The Fool?
This theorem helps find the missing length on a right triangle
What is Pythagorean Theorem?
This water type gym leader traveled with Ash in the first season
Who is Misty?
This person discovered classical conditioning with his experiments with dogs
Who is Ivan Pavlov?
This monster was used by the main character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime. Due to this, it has received a lot support over the years
What is Dark Magician?
This tag gives you $25 after you defeat the Boss Blind
What is Investment?
What is quadratic equation?
The trainer whose theme strikes fear in the hearts of trainers (Especially when they enter a house in B/W)
Who is Cynthia?
What is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?
When two link monsters have their arrows point to each other, they are considered to be this
What is co-linked?
Unless you are doing a High Card build, you probably don't want to use the DNA against this Boss Blind
What is The Mouth?
4x^2 + 121 = 157
What is 6 or -6?
This Pokemon was known in the TCG for being the focal point of one of the most annoying decks
Who is Iron Hands?
A complex where a boy has an unconscious sexual desire with his mother
What is Oedipus Complex?
Who is Hu-Li the Jewel Mikanko?