The Left Twix and Right Twix debating why they are better.
What not to do when encountering a bear.
Night Fury
An oblivious girl and the creepy guy who is awkwardly making sexual advances on the girl.
A drunk driver explaining why his arrest is unjustified.
Red Dead Redemption
Microsoft Edge
Two marketers selling a bag of chips that is clearly empty.
A funky bass line right before a band enters.
Harry Potter, Marauder's Map
Hideous Zippleback
A fish being caught for child pornography.
A commercial on condoms that were used recently by the advertiser.
Sea of Thieves
Monstrous Nightmare
Scooby Doo asking for mercy from Goofy for killing his family.
A snowman's final words after finishing his bucket list.
Mario Party 8, Koopa's Tycoon Town
Whispering Death