Who played a big part in starting WW2?
Who is Adolf Hitler?
What titles did Henri Guisan have?
What were War General and Military Hero?
What was the Mein Kampf book?
What is a book written by Hitler that stated his opinions, thoughts, and plans for the future?
Why did The Allied States demand resources from Switzerland as well?
What was because they saw Germany using Switzerland first?
Why wasn't Switzerland attacked?
What was because of it's mountainous region, readiness, and army?
True or False: Switzerland is geographically surrounded by The Allied States.
What is True?
True or False: Henri Guisan did not give a speech before he went into 'battle'.
What is False?
What did Hitler demand from Switzerland?
What was goods and information?
When Switzerland shipped electricity, how much did they ship?
What was about one half billion kilowatts?
What was the Anbau Schlatt project?
What was a project that turned all available land into farmland?
What country did Hitler rule?
What is Germany?
What did Heinrich Himmler do?
What was bringing a train car into Switzerland that contained many valuable items that Switzerland got all royalties to?
Why did Hitler not attack Switzerland when it refused to give it the shipments?
What is because it had too mountainous of a region?
What were some of the items Switzerland shipped?
What are weapons, food, coal, factory supplies, iron, laughing gas, etc.?
When WW2 started, how did Switzerland react?
What was by increasing it's defenses and attacks heavily?
What are The Allied States?
What are Great Britain, France, The Soviet Union, and China?
What were some of the items that were in the train car that Heinrich Himmler brought into Switzerland?
jewelry, precious metals, gold, jewels, ancient artifacts, Mein Kampf book
what is My Life?
What did Germany and The Allied States threaten to do if Switzerland did not comply?
What was attack or invasion?
What is True?
What were, it had a mountainous region, it was surrounded by The Allied States, it was very prepared, etc.?
When was the title of 'General' available in Switzerland?
A : Always
B : Never
C : Only when a war is currently happening
What was in the Mein Kampf book?
What were Hitler's opinions, thoughts, and plans for the future?
Why did Switzerland finally stop the trading system?
What was because they were running out of resources?
What is False?