How many years did Michael Jordan play in the NBA?
What has to be broken before you can use it, and is something Jordan enjoys in the morning?
Finish this sentence: "What da.."
In high school, what sports did Jordan compete in?
Soccer, basketball, cross country, volleyball
Hotdogs or hamburgers?
What has keys but can't open locks, and was once mastered by a sister named Jordan, creating melodies both grand and light?
A piano
Name two things Jordan is allergic to.
Deez nuts
What is Jordan also referred to as?
Jordo, Ping, Jordana Banana, Killi Killi, Sexy Lady, Ading
What are the three things Jordan looks for in a guy?
Pool, cottage, boat
What is the height difference between Michael Jordan and Jordan?
MJ is 6'6 and Jordan is 7ft tall which makes Jordan 6in taller
I share a name with a river so grand. A common name that's easy to understand. In life, I’m a sibling, both loving and bright. With a name that flows like a river's light. Who am I?
Name an item that is on Jordan's forbidden food list.
Crystals/rocks, glass, pom-poms
How many career starts does Jordan have?
Show us Jordan's go-to dance move.
How many points did Michael Jordan average in 2001?
22.9 (will accept 23 bc #jordanyear)
I’m often mentioned with a laugh and a joke, a phrase that’s quite famous but not really a yoke. When you hear me, you might get a chuckle or two, but the answer is silly, and that’s nothing new. What am I?
Deez nuts
What program is Jordan going into this fall?
Master of Education with a Specialization in Teaching and Learning
What was Jordan's save percentage in her last season as a Lancer?
.831 save percentage (10 goals against, 49 saves)
None, she doesn't like mushrooms
What is Jordan's favourite feature about herself?
If Jordan were to continue this sport, she would have been in the Olympics. What sport is it?
What is Jordan's most prized possession?
Winnie the Pooh