This probability density function can be represented by the equation f(x) = 1/(sigma(sqrt(2pi)))*e^(-(1/2)*((x-mu)/sigma)^2), where sigma is the standard deviation and mu is the mean.
What is the Gaussian (normal) distribution?
What is dictator?
This was the original date of the area 51 "raid."
Port Moresby
Super Idol de Xiao Rong
dōu méi ni de tián bā yuè zhèng wu de yáng guāng,
dōu méi ni yào yan rè ài yī bai líng wu dù de ni,
dī dī qīng chún de zhēng liú shui
Name the first 50 digits of pi.
What is 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510?
This vehicle from Star Wars was used by the Republic in the Galactic Civil War. It was a transport and gunship model manufactured by Incom Corp and its most important usage was in aiding the ground forces of the Battle of Scarif.
What is a UT-60D U-wing starfighter/support craft?
This is a hentai manga by artist ShindoL, which gained much notoriety online for its depressing, grimdark storyline. The story is often referred to by the number "177013" in reference to its assigned page number on the hentai database
What is Metamorphosis (also known as Emergence and 177013)
These countries still use the imperial system.
What is the US, Liberia, and Myanmar?
Which crewmate is sus.
What is the red crewmate.
This experimental law of physics quantifies the force between two stationary, electrically charged particles as the product of the constant, k, and the masses of the object divided by the distance of separation squared.
What is Coulomb's Inverse-Squares Law?
How much health does the wither from minecraft have on the bedrock version of the game?
What is a 600 (300 hearts)?
Ligma balls lmao gottem
This country was the only african nation to maintain their independence during the colonial era.
What is ethiopia?
38.8977° N, 77.0365° W
What is the white house?
Consider a particle of mass m subject to a one-dimensional potential of the following form,
V(x) = {1/2m(omega)^2(x)^2, for x >0,
inf, for x = 0 or x < 0}
Determine the possible bound state energy values of the particle.
What is h(omega)(2N+3/2), for N = 0, 1, 2,...?
These are the legendary elements from bionicle.
What is Life, Creation, and Time? Bonus if you can name the masks.
This is the given name of the horse that was stuck on top of a balconey.
What is Juan?
189.4 billion USD (2020)
What is the gdp of Greece?
What is 0?
The integrated rate law for this particular order of a reactant is 1/[A]^6 = 1/[A]0^6 + 6kt
What is seventh order?
This is an unorthodox chess opening that consists of the moves 1.e4 e52.Ke2?
What is the Bongcloud attack?
gonna give you up, never gonna let you down...
What is Cape town, Pretoria, and Bloemfontein.
Who's the sexiest person on earth?