What city was I born in?
Mendoza, Argentina
What’s my favorite color(s)?
Camo Colors
What’s something I always do before bed?
Wind down playing games on my phone
What’s my middle name?
What was my favorite subject in school?
What’s my favorite movie or T.V Show?
What’s one food I absolutely refuse to eat?
Pig Feet
What’s the name of the first concert I attended?
Debbie Gibson
What sport or activity did I participate in as a kid?
BMX Biking
Name my go-to comfort food.
What’s my biggest pet peeve?
Bad attitudes
If I could have any superpower, what would it be?
Mind reading
Name the pet I had growing up.
What’s my dream vacation destination?
Hawaiian Cruise
Am I a morning person or a night owl?
Morning person
What’s my biggest irrational fear?
Fear of Heights
What was the name of my elementary school?
Sacred Heart of Jesus
What’s my favorite song or artist?
Song: Calma
What’s my most embarrassing habit?
Giving out too much advice
What’s one thing I’ve always wanted to learn but haven’t yet?
Cut up an elk