Who was the prophet after Joseph Smith?
Who is Brigham Young.
How Joseph prepared for a sacred experience in prayer?
By Reading the Scriptures
What to do when you face opposition?
Joseph Smith History 1: 15-16
Call upon God
The role of scripture study in seeking revelation?
See Joseph Smith History 1: 11-12
Any Answer
What has helped you receive a testimony of the Joseph Smith and the first vision?
Your answer
The articles of faith were written by this man.
Who is Joseph Smith.
When Joseph Smith saw the Pillar of light who did he see? Were they separate beings?
God the Father and his son Jesus Christ. Yes
What is the story about Joseph Smiths Sickness when he was younger? What Body part did it affect?
He got a sickness and it affected his leg. He had faith that his leg would be okay and the doctor performed Surgery without giving him alcohol.
Where did Joseph Smith have the First Vision?
Sacred Grove or Palmyra, New York