What year did the First Vision occur
What is 1820
What was the first thing Heavenly Father said to Jospeh Smith
What is, “This is my beloved son. Hear him.”
What is Heavenly Fathers beloved son
Who is Jesus Christ
Where can we find Joesph smith’s account of the First Vision
What is Joesph Smith History
Where did the First Vision happen
What is the Sacred Grove
When is Joseph Smith‘s birthday
What is December 23, 1805
What power gripped Joesph before the First Vision
What is darkness
Wha was Joseph‘s main scribe
Who is Oliver Cowdrey
What book is the First Vision in
What is The Pearl of Great Price
Joesph came from a family of ___
What is 11
How long did Joseph have to wait to get the Gold Plates
What is 4 years
Who was the first person Joseph talked about the First Vision with
Who is Lucy Mack Smith, His mom
Who did Joesph marry
Who is Emma Hale
what scripture did Joesph read that convinced him to go pray
What is James 1:5
What angel came to visit Joesph
Who is Moroni
When was the 200th anniversary of the First Vision
What is 2020
During the First Vions God gives Joseph a calling. What was the calling
What is prophet
Which of Joesph’s brothers died in 1823
Who is Alvin Smith
What hymn describes the First Vision
What is Joesph Smith’s First Prayer
Daily Double
Where was Joesph Born
What is Sharon, Vermont
Daily Double
What year was Emma Smith born
What is 1804
How many accounts of the First Vision are there
What is 4
Who became the prophet after Joesph died
Who is Brigham Young
Where was Joesph Smith living when he revived the First Vision
What is Palmyra, New York
Before the First Vision what religion was Joesph leaning towards
What is Methodist