Who is John the baptist to Jesus?
His cousin.
Name three christlike attributes?
integrity,hope,faith,knowledge,compassion,virtue,patience etc
When was the priesthood taken from the earth?
In the last of Christ's apostles died.
How much older is Hyrum than Joseph?
5 years.
What is the Aaronic priesthood?
The Aaronic priesthood is the power and authority of god.
What was Joseph Knights revelation?
humble and a heart full of love
Where can you find Josephs Knights revelation to his blessing?
D&C 12
what is Joseph's older brothers name?
Hyrum Smith.
What is a witness?
someone who bears witness, or testimony, of something he or she has experienced and knows to be true.
How did John the baptist die?
Beheaded by the evil King Herod.
What was Joseph Knight told to do or have?
To be humble and have a full heart.
Who where the four angels?
John the baptist, Hyrum Smith, Joseph Knight, and Polly Knight.
What date did both Joseph and Oliver receive 'the power to baptise'?
What did the Knights provide for the prophet?
Food, transport, ink, and paper
Why does the Lord use witnesses in His work?
to see whether we will believe in Him and obey His laws when we no longer dwell in His presence.
What is "the gospel of repentance"?
Gospel of repentance is one of the first principles of the gospel and is essential to our temporal and eternal happiness.
Who came to visit both Joseph & Oliver?
John the Baptist.
After they received the Aaronic priesthood, what were Joseph and Oliver authorised to do?
Baptise others.
What was Hyrum told to do?
Prepare, study, seek wisdom instead of wealth.
Be willing to serve.
What scripture did Joseph and Oliver read to make them question baptisim?
3 Nephi 11.
Where were Joseph and Oliver baptized?
Susquehana river.
What is the period called without the priesthood?
Black ages.
What are "the ministering angels"?
Ministering angles are servants of god who at His direction serve those who belong to God.
What are the priesthood keys?
Priesthood keys are the right to direct the use of that power.