who gave Joseph the dreams about his future?
who bought Joseph as a slave?
why did Josephs brothers go to Egypt?
to buy food during the famine
how did God use Joseph’s suffering for good?
he saved many people from famine
what did Josephs brothers do when the famine struck?
They went to Egypt to buy grain.
What did Josephs dreams predict?
His family would bow to him
what did Joseph do for pharaoh?
interpreted his dreams
How did Joesph test his brothers sincerity when they returned to Egypt with Benjamin?
He framed Benjamin for stealing a silver cup.
How many people were in Jacob’s family when they moved to Egypt?
How many years of plenty did Joseph predict?
why did josephs brothers hate his dreams?
they thought he was bragging
what did pharaohs dream mean?
7 years of plenty and 7 years of famine
How did Jospeh respond after revealing himself?
he forgave them
Who did Joseph bless before he died, giving them a special inheritance?
His sons.
What did Joseph do to help his family during the famine?
He invited them to live in Egypt and provided for them
What did his brothers do because of the dreams?
sold him into slavery
What did Joseph’s brothers do when they came to Egypt for food?
they did not recognize Joseph
How did Joseph reveal his identity to his brothers?
He wept and told them he was Joseph, and forgave them.
what did Joseph do when Jacob died?
he had Jacob embalmed and buried in Canaan
What was Joseph’s key message to his brothers when they feared retribution after Jacob’s death?
He forgave them and reminded them that God used their actions for good