What town did the Joshi's grow up in?
Let's take selfie, matching matching
Who is Rekha Masi?
What is Christmas in San Clemente?
What two couples in the family share the same wedding anniversary? Bonus points if you know the date
Bhagwati + Snehal Thaker & Neha + Ketan Pandya
what is the problem is the
Who is Ketan Masa?
What is the cruise?
How many siblings does Arvind Dada have? (Bonus points if you can name BOTH)
Hansa Ba
Devendra Dada
Ehhh pick it up
Who is Smita Masi?
What is Chuck E Cheese?
What was the restaurant that was near/dear to the Joshi fam?
What is Souplantation?
Tamaare Vaaste
Who is Snehal Masa?
What is Acacia Village?
List all cousins in order of age, from oldest to youngest
1. Payal
2. Noopur
3. Sagar Pancholi
4. Palak
5. Tiki
6. Bhumika
7. Maulik
8. Stavan
9. Manan
10. Sagar Jr.
11. Rishi
12. Himali
13. Maitri
14. Riya
15. Ayesha
All I need is your looooow
Who is Jaysheel Masa?
What is Norwalk Mandir?