Originally pictures of a rescue dog taken by a Japanese teacher, this very popular meme is based on this dog breed.
What is Shiba Inu?
A popular Midlane and Support pick, this champion is well-known for damage, CC and an annoying laugh.
What is Lux?
Released in 1998, this recognizable purple mascot made their debut onto the Playstation.
Somewhat of a meme upon it's release and re-surging as one in Minecraft's popularity boom last year, a parody song references this well-known video game enemy.
What is Creeper?
Two of these champions have the MOST skins available; ten different skins. Name one.
What is Annie or Ryze?
What is 13?
The word is used all over the Internet these days, but it was originally coined in 1976 by the biologist Richard Dawkins.
What is meme?
Alistar, Tristana and Garen share a unique trait that no other Champion has.
What is skins obtained through social media?
Moogles are an adorable and recognisable staple of the Final Fantasy series, but they only debuted in Final Fantasy III, released onto the SNES in this year.
What is 1990?
A semi-obscure message board often referred to in memes and mainstream media as a single entity.
What is 4chan?
Reworks and changes are commonplace in League nowadays, and have created, and removed, some very recognizable Champions. But who was the first reworked Champion?
What is Kayle?
A collaboration between Sony and Nintendo that ended prematurely when Nintendo backed out of the investment into new technology created the prototype for what Sony console?
Pepe the Frog is a classic meme that gained traction originally in 2008, but he's originally from a comic that was released in this year.
What is 2005?
In August 2019, Riot collected data on who people felt was the most attractive champion across all regions, Together, the male worldwide demographic voted on Ahri, but female players chose this champion.
What is Jinx?
Related to current events, in 2005 the World of Warcraft was shaken by a digital pandemic called The Corrupted Blood. How was this disease originally unleashed upon the virtual public?
What is Pets?