Name the key people in the book of Joshua
Joshua and Rahab
How many books are in the bible
What did Moses receive on Mount Sinai?
The 10 Commandments
Who wrote the first five books of the Bible?
How many books are in the Law (Books of Moses)
What River did the Isrealites have to cross
The Jordon River
What did God use to create the world
His word
Who was the strongest man in the Bible?
What sign did God give as a promise never to flood the earth again?
a rainbow
How does God describe Himself in relation to idols?
He is a jealous God
Deuteronomy 5:9
In Joshua 5:13-15, Joshua meets and angel carrying a
Over 40 authors contributed to this book and yet it tells one unified account of past and future events.
the Bible
What did God use to guide the Israelites at night in the wilderness?
A pillar of fire
What did the Israelites put on their doorposts to protect them during the Passover?
the blood of a lamb
How did the people react when they heard Gods voice at Mount Sinai?
They were afraid
Deuteronomy 5:23-27
What did Joshua request in chapter 10?
That the sun and moon stand still
What is the first commandment?
The first commandment is “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3)
Who was the first king of Israel?
What happened to Korah and his followers when they rebelled against Moses?
the earth opened up and swollowed them
According to the 5th commandment, who should we honor and way?
Honour thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
Deuteronomy 5:16
Finish this verse...
“And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell:
but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
What city’s ruins confirm the Bible’s story of its destruction by fire and brimstone, as mentioned in Genesis?
Sodom and Gomorrah
What was the name of the garden where Jesus prayed before His arrest?
What was the name of the land God promised to the Israelites?
What did the Israelitss say about hearing the voice of God?
They would die
Deuteronomy 5:25 Now therefore why should we die? for this great fire will consume us: if we hear the voice of the LORD our God any more, then we shall die.