Dig Site 1: Don't Be Afraid
Dig Site 2: Seek and Hide
Dig Site 3: What Happened to the River?
Dig Site 4: A Tale of 12 Stones
Dig Site 5: Oh, No, Jericho!

Who would be with Joshua wherever he went? (1:9) 

1) His officers

2) Moses

3) The Lord God

3) The Lord God


At whose house did the spies stay? (2:1) 

1) Rahab

2) The king of Jericho 

3) The priests

1) Rahab


What would go before the Israelites into the Jordan? (3:11) 

1) The two spies 

2) The ark of the covenant

3) Both answers are correct

2) The ark of the covenant


About how many men ready for battle crossed over the Jordan River? (4:13) 

1) 40,000

2) 50,000

3) 60,000

1) 40,000


What did the Israelites place in the Lord's treasury? (6:24) 

1) The gold, silver, and articles of bronze and iron from Jericho

2) The best cattle, sheep, and donkeys from Jericho 

3) The best fabric from Jericho

1) The gold, silver, and articles of bronze and iron from Jericho


Whom did the Lord speak to after Moses died? (1:1) 

1) The people 

2) The officers 

3) Joshua

3) Joshua


What had the people of Jericho heard about the Lord and the Israelites? (2:10) 

1) The Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea

2) The Israelites had destroyed the two kings of the Amorites

3) Both answers are correct

3) Both answers are correct


What kind of ground did the priests stand on in the middle of the Jordan River? (3:17) 

1) Dry ground

2) Damp ground 

3) Muddy ground 

1) Dry ground


What were the 12 men to take from the middle of the Jordan River? (4:3) 

1) 12 stones

2) A fish

3) A cup of water

1) 12 stones


What was the Israelite army supposed to do for six days? (6:3) 

1) March around Jericho once each day

2) Stay in their tents all day and pray

3) Train to fight

1) March around Jericho once each day


What did the officers say to Joshua about his instructions? (1:16-17) 

1) "We obeyed Moses, but we will not obdy you." 

2) "Whatever you have commanded us we will do"

3) "We did not obey Moses. We will not obey you." 

2) "Whatever you have commanded us we will do"


How did the people of Jericho respond when they heard what the Israelites had done? (2:11) 

1) They decided to fight the Israelites. 

2) Their hearts melted in fear and their courage failed.

3) They wanted to join the Israelites in battle. 

2) Their hearts melted in fear and their courage failed.


How would the people know the Lord was with Joshua? (3:7) 

1) The Lord would exalt Joshua in the eyes of all Israel.

2) An angel would tell the Israelites to listen to Joshua 

3) The Lord would speak from Heaven 

1) The Lord would exalt Joshua in the eyes of all Israel.


What were the Israelites to tell their children about the 12 stones? (4:22-24) 

1) The Lord dried up the Jordan River just as he dried up the Red Sea

2) The Lord dried up the Jordan River so all people would know he is powerful and would fear Him 

3) Both answers are correct

3) Both answers are correct


What happened when the trumpets sounded and the army shouted? (6:20) 

1) The walls of Jericho collapsed

2) Everyone charged in 

3) Both answers are correct

3) Both answers are correct


Which men were supposed to help their fellow Israelites? (1:12-15) 

1) Reubenites, Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh

2) The Levites

3) The Midianites 

1) Reubenites, Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh


What did Rahab say about the Israelites' God? (2:11) 

1) "The Lord your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below." 

2) "Your God is not as powerful as our gods."

3) "We are not afraid of your God." 

1) "The Lord your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below."


What did the officers do when they went throughout the camp? (3:2-3)

1) They crossed the Jordan 

2) They gave orders to the people

3) Both answers are correct  

2) They gave orders to the people


What did the Israelites celebrate at Gilgal? (5:10) 

1) Crossing the Jordan River 

2) Passover

3) Joshua's birthday 

1) 12 stones


What did Joshua do when he realized the commander of the army of the Lord was in front of him? (5:14) 

1) He shook the commander's hand 

2) He ran away

3) He fell facedown in reverence

3) He fell facedown in reverence


When did the Lord tell Joshua and the Israelites to get ready to cross the Jordan River? (1:1-2) 

1) When Moses sent Joshua to spy out the land 

2) When Moses was still leader of the Israelites 

3) After the death of Moses

3) After the death of Moses


What did the spies tell Rahab to tie in the window of her house? (2:14-18) 

1) A purple flag 

2) A green banner 

3) A scarlet cord

3) A scarlet cord


What did Joshua say the people needed to do before they crossed the Jordan? (3:5) 

1) Consecrate themselves 

2) Prepare for battle

3) Get rid of any extra belongings 

1) Consecrate themselves


What happened to the manna after the people ate the food from the land? (5:12) 

1) The manna stopped

2) The manna continued for a month, and then it stopped

3) The manna came only to those who were poor

1) The manna stopped


Where did Rahab and her family stay when they left Jericho? (6:23) 

1) Inside the Israelite camp

2) Outside the Israelite camp

3) In the ruined city of Jericho

2) Outside the Israelite camp
