Dig Site 5
Dig Site 6
The Sin of Achan
Dig Site 7
Bye Bye, Ai
Dig Site 8
A Trick & A Treaty
Dig Site 9

Who did Joshua see standing in front of him when he was near Jericho?

1. A man with a drawn sword in his hand.

2. The commander of the army of the Lord.

3. Both answers are correct.

3. Both answers are correct.


Which Israelite took some of the devoted things?

1. Joshua

2. Achan

3. The elders of the tribes

2. Achan


Who told Joshua to attack Ai?

1. The Israelite warriors.

2. The Lord

3. The priests

2. The Lord


Who heard about what Joshua had done to Jericho and Ai?

1. The people of Gibeon

2. No one heard

3. The Egyptians

1. The people of Gibeon


What land did Eleazar, Joshua, and the heads of the tribes divide among the nine and a half tribes?

1. The land of Egypt

2. The land of Canaan

3. The land near the Red Sea

2. The land of Canaan


What did the Israelites place in the Lord's treasury?

1. The gold, silver, and articles of bronze and iron from Jericho.

2. The best cattle, sheep, and donkeys from Jericho.

3. The best fabric from Jericho.

1. The gold, silver, and articles of bronze and iron from Jericho.


What happened when Joshua sent men to Achan's tent?

1. They found Achan's children.

2. They couldn't find the stolen things.

3. They found the robe, the silver, and the gold.

3. They found the robe, the silver, and the gold.


What did Israel do after they destroyed Ai?

1. Joshua built an altar to the Lord.

2. The Israelites offered burn and fellowship offerings to the Lord.

3. Both answers are correct.

3. Both answers are correct.


What did the Gibeonites show the Israelites to trick them?

1. Dry and moldy bread

2. Old wineskins and worn-out sacks and clothes

3. Both answers are correct

3. Both answers are correct


What report did Caleb bring back to Moses after he explored Canaan?

1. A report according to his convictions.

2. A false report of his findings.

3. Supplies for the Israelites.

1. A report according to his convictions.


How did Joshua know he should take off his sandals?

1. When he first saw the man, he knew it was the commander. 

2. The commander of the army of the Lord told him to.

3. Moses taught him to do that every time the Lord appeared.

4. All of the above.

2. The commander of the army of the Lord told him to.


What did Israel have to do for the Lord to stay with them?

1. Pray for forgiveness.

2. Destroy whatever was devoted to destruction.

3. Fast for a month.

4. All of the above.

2. Destroy whatever was devoted to destruction.


What was Israel's plan for attacking the city of Ai?

1. Some of the army would wait to ambush Ai.

2. Joshua and some of the army would lure the men of Ai away.

3. The men waiting would rush into the city and destroy it.

4. All of the above.

4. All of the above.


How long did the sun stand still during the battle against the Amorites?

1. About a full hour

2. About a full day

3. About two full days

4. About a full week

2. About a full day


How long had it been since the Lord spoke to Moses about Caleb's inheritance?

1. 35 years

2. 40 years

3. 45 years

4. 50 years

3. 45 years


What did the Israelites destroy in the city of Jericho?

1. Men and women, young and old.

2. Cattle and sheep

3. Donkeys

4. All of the above.

4. All of the above.


After Achan died, what did the Lord turn from?

1. All the Israelites.

2. Joshua

3. His fierce anger

4. All of the above

3. His fierce anger


What did Joshua copy on stones?

1. The date and time of the battle of Ai

2. The Law of Moses

3. The names of all of the Israelite soldiers

4. Prayers lifted up to God

2. The Law of Moses


What happened when the five Amorite kings attacked Gibeon?

1. Giben tried to fight the AMorites without help.

2. Joshua would not help the Gibeonites.

3. Gibeon asked for help and Joshua and his army marched to help.

4. The Israelites decided to make a treaty with Adoni-Zedek.

3. Gibeon asked for help and Joshua and his army marched to help.


What did the Lord tell Joshua to do for the nine tribes and the half tribe of Manasseh?

1. Divide them into smaller tribes

2.Give them all the cattle they needed

3. Divide the land among them as an inheritance

4. All of the above.

3. Divide the land among them as an inheritance


Finish this verse: "'Obey the Lord your God and . . ." (Deuteronomy 27:10)

1. "' . . . and listen to him so you will know how to live today.'"

2."' . . . follow his commands and decrees that I give you today.'"

3. "' . . . and listen to his voice so you can hear what he wants you to do.'"

4. "' . . . follow him always. Never turn from him.'"

2."' . . . follow his commands and decrees that I give you today.'"


What would happen to the one caught with the stolen goods?

1. He would have to leave the camp forever.

2. He would be Joshua's slave.

3. He would be destroyed by fire.

4. He would have to pay for what he stole.

3. He would be destroyed by fire.


After the battle in Ai, where did Joshua build an altar to the Lord?

1. Mount Ararat

2. Mount Ebal

3. On top of the ruins of Ai

4. Mount Sinai

2. Mount Ebal


Finish this verse: "All the ways of the Lord . . ."

1. " . . .are sure. He knows what he's doing."

2. " . . . are loving and faithful toward those who keep the demands of his covenant."

3. " . . . are faithful. God gives to those in need."

4. " . . . are good. He is a good God."

2. " . . . are loving and faithful toward those who keep the demands of his covenant."


What promise did the Lord give to Caleb?

1. To give Caleb all the cattle and sheep he wanted.

2. To give Caleb the hill country

3. To show Caleb how to defeat the Canaanites.

4. All of the above. 

2. To give Caleb the hill country
