What challenge does Deborah face?
The Israelites were being oppressed by Jabin
What did Delilah want to know from Samson?
where all his strength came from
What happened at the battle of Ai?
Israel is defeated by the inhabitants of the city of Ai
Wow many men did Rahab hide in her house
two men
What does Prefigure mean?
To be an early indication or version of someone or something
What are Deborah's covenantal commitments?
Listening to God
Providing leadership
Encouraging obedience
Trusting god’s plan
What obstacle does Gideon face?
he sees himself as the least important member of his family and tribe and he struggles to believe that he is capable of leading Israel
What is the meaning of the name "Joshua"?
The Lord is salvation
Under Stacks of Flax
Who is Jabin
the king of Canaan
How does Gideon handle his situation?
Gideon is called by God while he is separating wheat in a winepress to hide it from the Midianites.
What were Samson's laws that he had to keep?
not cut his hair, avoid alcohol, and avoid touching dead bodies
Whats the key message of Joshua
Fulfillment of God’s promises to the Israelites.
What was her profession?
What was the major sin of the Israelites?
The major sin is when the Israelites abandoned God and worshiped the Baals and Asherahs.
What coventential commitment did Samson break?
he broke the third one when he touched a lion carcass.
How did Deborah handle her situation?
she demonstrated strong leadership and faith and listened to God’s guidance
How did Joshua prefigure Christ?
Joshua prefigures christ by fulfilling God’s promise of the Promised Land, being obedient to God, and being a guide to the Covenant
What did Rahab say to the men sent by the King of Jericho who were looking for the spies
“True, men came to me, but I did not know where they came from; and when the gate was to be closed, at dark, the men went out; where the men went I do not know; pursue them quickly, for you will overtake them.” (She denied hiding the men in her home)
Describe the situation the Israelites were in at the end of the Book of Judges.
In the end of Judges, the Israelites were in spiritual chaos. They had no leader, they did what was right in their own eyes (not God’s), and they repeatedly worshiped false gods.
What convential commitments did Samson keep?
He kept the first two, but Delilah cut his hair
How does Samson show his covenantal commitment?
Covenantal commitment is shown when he repented and turned back to God, he acknowledged that his strength came from God
What are the 3 major functions of Israel’s judges?
having military leadership, judicial responsibilities and spiritual guidance for the people
How is Rahab an important figure in Israelite History?
Rahab trusted in God while talking to the men sent by Jericho's King even though she knew in her past that she was not faithful. She trusted that God would forgive her.
How does the role of modern-day judges compare to the role of the judges in the Old Testament?
The judges in the Book of Judges deliver God's people from oppression and the subjugation of the enemy.