What is the definition of libel
An injury to reputation that is WRITTEN.
(False words, pictures, cartoons, videos, etc.)
What were the two court cases we discussed in class pertaining to freedom of speech (for students)
Hazelwood & Tinker
The Oxford comma IS used in journalistic writing.
What is a sidebar in journalism?
Sidebars provide additional information to enhance the article.
What is the definition of slander?
SPOKEN falsehoods that damages another's reputation.
What was the outcome of the two court cases that we studied in class pertaining to the first amendment (for students)
Hazelwood: in favor of the school (rights weren't violated)
Tinker: in favor of the students (rights were violated)
Should classes/grades be capitalized in attributions?
(ex: S/senior Maureen Baker)
When using a picture as a sidebar, it should ALWAYS include a _______
Standards to prove libel:
Name one of the five points an individual has to prove to win a label court case.
-Harmed one's reputation, and thereby business
-Published to at least one other individual
-Specifically about the person who is claiming libel
-Made with some degree of fault and intention
The First Amendment is included in this U.S document
The Bill of Rights
Give three examples of an effective sidebar
Photographs, Fats, Statistics, Polls, Quizzes, Timelines, Testimonials, ETC.
Give examples of a hypothetical scenario for libel and slander.
Libel: anything written/published to damage reputation
Slander: anything spoken to damage reputation
The following scenario IS a violation of the First Amendment:
-Your private school requires you to say a certain prayer each morning, even though you have a different faith.
-Explain your reasoning.
It's a private school
When referring to percentages, should you
A. Spell out the word percent
B. Use the % sign
A. Spell out the word percent
What are the five freedoms protected under the First Amendment
Freedom of: religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition
We DO use courtesy titles in journalism (Mr.-Mrs.-Ms.-Miss)