Selma Marches
Trail of Tears
Harriet Tubman
Fictional journeys

Montgomery is Alabama's ____________________ city, where legislators meet to make laws.



The government of Georgia wanted to remove Cherokee Indians from their land after this precious resource was discovered on the Cherokees' land.



As a girl, Harriet Tubman was struck by a large metal anvil in this part of her body.


(This injury caused her to have sleeping spells and wild visions. Historians believe that these visions convinced Tubman that she could do amazing things.)


A refugee is "a person outside the country of his or her nationality, who is unable or unwilling to return to that country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution based on his or her race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion." Last year the largest number of refugees -- about one third of more than 20 million total refugees -- fled from this country, which is in the midst of a civil war. 


(More than 6 million Syrian refugees resettled worldwide in 2018. The United States took in only 62.)


In a recurring segment on Sesame Street called Journey with Ernie, this large yellow bird plays hide and seek with his friend Ernie. 

Big Bird


During the Selma to Montgomery marches, people walked across the Edmund Pettus Bridge and over 54 miles of highway to ask for a new law that would protect black people's right to _____________.



In the 1830s the United States government forced native Americans from the Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Seminole tribes to relocate to the far-western part of the country. The Trail of Tears got its sad name because over 4,000 native Americans did this during the long journey to their new land.



The network of safe houses for runaway slaves travelling north to freedom was called this.

the Underground Railroad


Under President Obama in 2017, the U.S. admitted 110,000 refugees. President Trump has set a limit for 2019 of 30,000 refugees. In the United States, the number of refugees who are allowed in gets set by one person, the ________________.


(Congress must also approve the refugee limits set by the president.)


Mo Willem's pigeon would very much like to take a journey, so he asks (again and again) to drive this vehicle.



Many civil rights leaders took part in the marches. The most famous leader was _______________

Martin Luther King, Jr.


Andrew Jackson had this important job title when he asked Congress to pass the Indian Removal Act.

President of the United States


During the _____________ War, Harriet Tubman was a nurse who took care of wounded Union soldiers.

Civil War


In 2018, refugees came to the United States from more than 60 countries. This African country had the highest number of refugees moving to the United States: the Democratic Republic of __________.


(The Democratic Republic of Congo has had many internal conflicts within its federal government as well as wars between tribes.)


Before Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader, he takes a journey to this side.

dark side


Barriers to black voting included poll taxes (someone had to pay a fee in order to vote) and literacy tests, which were written to be intentionally confusing. As a result of the Selma marches, the U.S. government passed the _______________ Rights Act in 1965.



About one quarter of the Cherokee tribe was killed on the Trail of Tears, because they had no food or water and were forced to travel by ____________.

foot / walking


Harriet Tubman guided more than 70 slaves to freedom during 11 years as a conductor on the ______________ _______________.

Underground Railroad


To be admitted to the U.S., refugees go through several rounds of background checks, screenings and interviews under the United States Refugee Admissions Program. First the person goes to a U.S. embassy or meets with a U.S.-approved non-governmental organization in their home country. The vetting process that occurs between this initial overseas meeting and the refugee stepping onto U.S. soil typically lasts _______ years.



When wizards in the Harry Potter books travel by fireplace, they must first toss a pinch of this powder into the fire.

floo powder


In 2013, key parts of the the U.S. Voting Rights Act were struck down by the highest court in the United States, our ________  ________.

Supreme Court

(The Supreme Court struck down the part of the Voting Rights Act that prevented states from making new voting laws without approval by the federal government. Since then, Alabama has passed a new law that requires voters to present a state-issued I.D. at the polling place. Meanwhile, Alabama has shut down many of the offices in majority-black neighborhoods where people could get state-issued I.D. cards. The state has also shut down many polling places in majority-black neighborhoods without notifying the local residents.)


This U.S. president (whose portrait Donald Trump prominently displays in the White House) wanted white men to take land from native Americans in spite of treaties that stated these lands belonged to the Indians.

Andrew Jackson


Tubman was also a spy for the Union. She planned the Combahee River Raid, which in one night freed more than 700 ______________.



In 2018, only two U.S. states -- Hawaii and Wyoming -- did not take in new refugees. This large state welcomed the most refugees. 



This book by Maurice Sendak tells the story of a boy named Max who puts on a wolf costume and takes a journey to a mysterious jungle inside his own bedroom.

Where the Wild Things Are
