Bible Books
Bible People
Bible Numbers
Bible Animals
Bible Places
This book is the longest book in the Bible.
It's made up of hymns and songs.
This man is the oldest man ever to live.
He lived for 969 years as recorded in Genesis 5.
This is the number of epistles (or letters) Paul wrote.
He wrote all of the books from Romans to Philemon.
This creature spoke to Balaam after he repeatedly beat it.
Balaam abuses this animal in Numbers 22.
Jesus performs his first miracle in this city turning water into wine.
The wedding Jesus attended is told about in John 2
This is the book of the Bible where David kills Goliath.
It takes place in chapter 17.
This woman is Jesus' aunt and the mother of John the Baptist.
Her and her husband Zechariah are talked about in Luke 1.
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Jesus had 12 disciples. Name as many as you can in 30 seconds for 200 points each. (Hint: some of the disciples went by two different names)
Before sending a dove out of the ark, Noah tried sending this animal to see if the flood waters had receded.
Noah sends this creature in Genesis 8, but it never returns.
DAILY DOUBLE!!!! Open Bible
Jacob had 12 sons each of them inherited a portion of land named after them. Name as many of these tribes as possible in 30 seconds for 200 points each. (Hint: Because there are also two half-tribes there are 14 possible answers)
This is the only book of the Bible which doesn't mention God.
It tells the story of a Jewish queen who saves her people from a massacre.
Jesus was buried in this man's tomb.
He asks Pilate for permission to have Jesus' body in Mark 15.
Elijah defeated this many prophets of Baal in a famous showdown on Mt. Carmel.
God sends fire to Elijah's altar giving him victory over these prophets in 1 Kings 18.
John refers to Jesus as this animal from the tribe of Judah, the one who conquers.
John says one of the elders told him this name in Revelation 5.
After the victory at Jericho, Joshua's army loses a battle to this small town because someone in his camp sinned.
The tiny town wins their victory in Joshua 7.
This is the shortest book of the Bible.
It's a letter written by a disciple to a man named Gaius.
Because of this king's pride, the kingdom of Israel split in half and became two separate nations.
King Solomon's son spoils the kingdom in 1 Kings 12.
Elisha cured Naaman the Syrian of leprosy by asking him to dip himself this many times into the Jordan River.
God used Elisha to heal Naaman in 2 Kings 5.
Elisha calls out these creatures from the forest to attack an angry mob that was harassing him.
42 boys learned not to insult a prophet in 2 Kings 2.
When Jesus returns to judge the earth, it is prophesied that his foot will touch this mountain.
Zechariah makes this prophecy in Zechariah 14.
This book is named after a prophet whose name means "my messenger" in Hebrew.
It's the last book of the OT.
This woman killed an evil general named Sisera by hammering a tent peg through his head.
Her story is recorded in Judges 4.
Joash (also called Jehoash) was the youngest king ever in Judah beginning his reign when he was this many years old.
Joash (Jehoash) ascends the throne with help from Jehoida the priest in 2 Kings 11.
The author of this proverb teaches that even though this creature has no king they still all march in rank.
Agur writes this proverb in Proverbs 30.
David's famous great-grandmother was from this nation making her one of the few ancestors of Jesus who was not a Jew.
David's great grandmother is Ruth and her native land is mentioned in Ruth 1.