Making Inferences
Drawing Conclusions
Making Generalizations

What does the prefix anti- mean? Write one word using the prefix anti-.

opposing, against, the opposite



Alex ran all the way home from school. "Mom!" he shouted as soon as he opened the door, "Look!" He handed his mother some papers. "You were right, all that studying really did pay off!" he said excitedly.

What was on the papers? 

What makes you think so?



  The papers were a test with a good grade.

  "papers, all that studying, excitedly, from school"                                                     



What does the word lunging mean? Write a sentence using the word.

a sudden forward thrust of the body

She tripped over the log and went lunging forward.


Sam is trying to do his homework, but it is so noisy! Other kids are talking and laughing all around him. The engine is loud and the brakes squeak every time they stop, which is often.

Where is Sam?
a. at school
b. on an airplane                                                   c. on a school bus



 c. on a school bus


Macy has been collecting coins
since she was a little girl. She has 30 over a thousand coins in her collection. Most of her coins are from the United States, but some are from other countries.

Which of these statements is a generalization about Macy's coin collection?

a. Macy's has collected a lot of coins.
b. Most of Macy's coins are from the US.                 c. Macy has over a thousand coins in her collection.



a. Macy's has collected a lot of coins.


What is the meaning of the word prevent? What is the prefix in the word?

to keep something from happening before it happens.



Dad and Krystal were finishing up a project in the garage together. "Can we paint the roof red?" asked Krystal. "Sure," said Dad, "Then when the paint dries we can find a place to hang it in the back yard."                      

What do you think Dad and Krystal are making?         Why do you think so?



Dad and Krystal are making a birdhouse.

"project, roof, hang, back yard"




What does the word conserving mean? Write a sentence using the word correctly.

 Prevent the wasteful or harmful overuse of something. Protecting or keeping from destruction.

Businesses should conserve more water.


“Alex!" called Mrs. Sloan over and over. Other shoppers looked concerned and started looking for the lost child. Then a young woman came around the corner holding Alex's hand. “I found him in the candy section," she said.

Where is Mrs. Sloan? 

a. at a supermarket                                              b. at a bookstore
c. at the mall



a. at a supermarket  


The paint was peeling on the old
house at the end of the street. The
yard was overgrown and several of
the windows were broken. Some people even said the house was haunted.

                                                                            Which of these statements is a generalization about the house at the end of the street?

a. The yard was overgrown.
b. No one lived in the house.
c. Some of the windows were broken.



b. No one lived in the house.


What does the prefix re- mean? Write a word using the prefix re-


ex. repaint


Mom lit three candles. "There, that's better." she said. Claire turned off her flashlight. The house was quiet except for the sound of the wind blowing through the trees outside.

Why did Mom light candles?                               What makes you think so?



The wind storm made the power go out.

"lit candles, house was quiet, wind blowing"                                                       



What does the word critical mean? Write a sentence using the word correctly.

A situation or problem having the potential to become disastrous or of great importance.

 The flood waters had not receded, and the situation was still critical.


Andy stood on the front step searching through his pockets. He tried opening the door, but it was locked, just as he knew it would be. Mom wouldn't be home for another hour. Andy sighed and sat down on the step to wait.

What was Andy looking for? 

a. his cell phone
b. a pen
c. his house keys



c. his house keys


Every morning, Mr. Tate wakes 14 up at 5:00 to get ready to go to work. It is still dark when he opens
curtains in the kitchen. He tries to make his breakfast quietly so that he won't wake the rest of his family.

Which of these statements is a generalization about Mr. Tate?      

a. It is still dark when Mr. Tate wakes up.                b. Mr. Tate makes his breakfast quietly.
c. Mr. Tate wakes up early in the morning.



c. Mr. Tate wakes up early in the morning.


What does the prefix pre- mean? Write a word using the prefix pre-.

before in time



"Ouch!" Lucy had fallen again! She shivered and picked herself back up. Then she spotted her older sister Sarah, gliding backwards. She was so graceful. Sarah made everything look so easy.

What is Lucy doing? How do you know?



Lucy was learning to ice skate.

"shivered, gliding, graceful, fallen"                                                       



What does the word presence mean? Write a sentence using the word correctly.

the state or fact of existing, occurring, or being present in a place or thing:

The memorial was unveiled in the presence of 24 veterans.


Chris put on the shirt and left the small room to show his mother. “Too big," she said and handed him another shirt to try. Chris sighed as he started to pull the shirt over his head.                       

Where is Chris?
a. at a supermarket                                              b. at a toy store
c. at a clothes store



c. at a clothes store


Savannah overslept. Then she
could not find her homework. On the way to school, she got splashed with mud by a speeding car. At school her teacher passed back a math test from last week. Savannah had failed it!

Which of these statements is a generalization about Savannah

a. Savannah lost her homework.
b. Savannah got splashed with mud.                      c. Savannah is having a bad morning.



c. Savannah is having a bad morning.


What does the prefix pro- mean? Write a word using the prefix pro-.

a motion forward

in favor of something

ex. propell or protestors


Susie looked down at her beautiful dress. She looked like a princess! The music started to play. She held the flowers tightly and started to walk slowly towards the front. Everyone smiled as she walked by.

Where is Susie?
Why do you think so?



 Susie is the flower girl or a bride at a wedding.

"beautiful dress, music started, held flowers, walked slowly towards the front"




What does the word keen mean? Write a sentences using the word.

-having or showing great perception or insight, sharp.

"She has a keen understanding of animal psychology."


Penny was so tired when she got
home from work. There had been
more customers than usual and the new cook had messed up several of her orders. She took off her uniform and relaxed into a hot bath.                      

What is Penny? 

a. a dishwasher                                                    b. a cook
c. a waitress





c. a waitress



Children eight years and older spend an average of four hours a 20 day watching TV. They also spend
an additional two hours a day on the computer and playing video games. Today's children do not play outside very much.

Which of these statements is a generalization about children?

a. Children spend a great deal of time in front of TV and computer screens.                                          b. Children watch TV for four hours a day.
c. Children don't like to play outside anymore.





a. Children spend a great deal of time in front of TV and computer screens.
