A game of chess begins with each player having this many pieces
What is 16
Waverly's mother embarrasses her by doing this in public
What is bragging about her chess skills
At this age, Lindo was set for an arranged marriage
What is 2 years old
This quote,“I saw the curtains blowing and the candles spluttering and the rain pouring through the open window” represents this literary device
What is imagery
This is the most powerful piece in chess, able to move in any direction for any number of squares
What is the queen
Waverly's name comes originates from what?
What is the street she lived on
This Chinese tradition symbolized the permanence of Lindo's marriage
What is the red marriage candle
The chessboard represents Waverly's power struggle with her mother, making it an example of this literary device
What is symbolism
The goal of a chess game is to put your opponent's King in this position, meaning it cannot escape
What is checkmate
What does Waverly and her brother recieve from their neighbor for Christmas
What is a secondhand chess set
Who is Tyan-yu
"The chessboard seemed to hold elaborate secrets waiting to be untangled." This is an example of this literary device
What is personification
This is the only piece in chess that can jump over other pieces
What is the knight
This is the age Waverly became a national chess champion
What is 9 years old
Lindo wants Waverly to succeed but also to respect this
What is her Chinese heritage
This symbolizes the permanence of marriage and the expectation that Lindo must stay with her husband for life.
What is the red candle
The game of chess originated from this ancient country over 1000 years ago
What is India
Waverly learns this concept from her mother, which helps her develop a winning chess strategy
What is "the art of invisible strength"
This is the tactic Lindo used to escape her marriage without dishonoring her family
What is manipulation
A symbol of Waverly’s struggle for independence and the power struggle with her mother.
What is chess