The Woos
The Hsus
The Jongs
The St. Clairs

How many husbands has Suyuan Woo had? What happened to her first husband?

Suyuan Woo had 2 husbands. The first husband was a military officer and died fighting against the Japanese invasion of China. 


How did An-Mei’s mother dishonor her family? 

An-Mei's mother dishonored her family by remarrying to a rich man.


How does Waverly get her first chess board? 

Waverly's first chess board is actually her brothers and they get it at church for Christmas.


Who does Ying Ying want to see the most during the festival?

Ying Ying really wants to see the moon lady. 
Where is the second Joy Luck Club located?

The second Joy Luck Club is located in San Francisco. 


What instrument does Suyuan force June to learn?

Suyuan forces June to learn piano. 


Who does the family blame for the death of Bing Hsu?

Each family member blames themself for the death of Bing Hsu. 


Why does Lindo get married the first time and who does she marry?

Lindo originally had a prearranged marriage to Tyan-yu. 


What happens to Ying Ying's second child?

Ying Ying's second child dies during childbirth.


Who cuts their flesh to try to save their mother?

An-Mei Hsu's mother cuts her flesh trying to save her mother. 


For what does Suyuan Woo take pride in her daughter?

Suyuan Woo takes pride in her daughter as she thinks differently from the rest of the character in the story. Namely she thinks of others before herself. 


What does Second Wife gift An-Mei Hsu and what does An-Mei later discover about this gift?

Second Wife gifts An-Mei Hsu a pear necklace which she later discovers to be fake. 


What does Waverly want to tell her mom at lunch?

Wavelry wants to tell her mother that she is marrying Rich. 


Why did Ying Ying’s first husband leave her?

He left her for an opera singer.


Who wants to bring out the tiger in their daughter?

Ying Ying St. Clair wants to bring out the tiger in her daughter. 

How does June Woo act while preparing food for her father in the kitchen at the end of the chapter? (who does she seem to imitate?). 

She acts in ways that she had earlier described her mother as acting demonstrating the similarity between them.


How does An-Mei's mother die? What is important about when she dies?

An-Mei's mother commits suicide using poision. She dies close to the new year forcing her husband to vow to treat her children as his "honored" children in order to quell her spirits wrath. 


Why does Waverly Jong want to go to china and what does her mother say to her about this decision? 

She wants to go to china for her second honeymoon. Her mother tells her that the people there will be able to tell that she's an outsider from the second she steps off the plane.


Who is Lena's husband and what's the problem with their relationship?

Lena's husband is Harold and the problem with their relationship is that they keep their finances separate and obsess over who spent what. Harold also treats Lena unfairly in the workplace. 


Whats the main thematic focus of the Joy Luck Club?

Mother-daughter relationships is the main focus of the Joy Luck Club.


Who found Suyuan Woos babies and why weren't they returned?

They were found by an old peasant woman. This woman could not read and neither could her husband so they couldn't read the message written on the back of Suyuan Yu's photograph begging whoever found them to return them. By the time she found someone to read the message to her it was too late as she already loved the children as her own. Eventually she did come to try to return the children but upon going to the specified location she found only the burnt remains of Suyuan Woo's home. 

What does Rose Hsu tell her friends about her ex-husband after he divorces her? What does this demonstrate about her situation?

She tells them all something different about her husband based on the opinions others express about him. This demonstrates Rose Hsu’s inability or unwillingness to form her own opinions and be her own person.


What does Waverly believe her mother does to her relationships? How does she believe she does this?

Waverly believes her mother sours her relationships by pointing out all of her partners flaws and shifting her view of them. 

How does Ying Ying meet Lena's father? What does she think about him when she meets him?

Ying Ying meets Lena's father when he enters a store she works at in China. From the second she met him she knew she would marry him. 


What is the name of the man teaches Waverly chess?

His name is Lau Po.
