How old was I when Kayla was born?
Which of my ears got infected when Lucy and I got our double piercings?
Left (my left, your right)
What is my favorite donut?
Boston cream
what double digit number is grandpas favorite?
What's my shoe size?
What was my favorite job in High School?
Working at Summerfest
What sport did I play with Allison (and quit)?
What was my water polo number?
does grandpa hit on good looking women and what one word does he ask?
What nickname did my dad give me?
Lil Buddy
Where did I go for spring break freshman year?
What does my beautiful advent calendar say?
Be sure to drink your oat milk
What time did I work today?
grandpas favorite color?
forest green
What was my childhood dog's name
What was my brownie name?
What was the name of one of the horses I used to ride? (any one)
Dandy, Grayson, Poptart, etc.
What's my favorite emoji?
grandmas/grandpas 1st dogs name?
What nickname did my Mom give me?
Name all the sports I have played/done
Soccer, Volleyball, ice skating, diving, tennis
I learned an audition routine for Vandy's Lunar New Year Festival and sent it in the JJ fam. The song I danced to was a remix of what song?
It Wasn't Me
What is my most recent photo of?
Jimmy Revere
how many days or months was grandpa in basic training & ait?
120days or 4 months
Who gave us our family dog?
Uncle Cliff (currently in prison)