States & Capitals
Define Conflict
What is A disagreement that happens when people want different things
Running, Skipping, Jumping Jax, Swimming, Biking
What is Cardiovascular excesses
How many people maybe on base at 1 time?
What is 1
Megan needed to speak with Mrs. Barrell about an assignment. She went running up the aisle and knocked Amy's book off her desk. How should Amy handle this situation? What do you think Megan's intentions were?
What is Amy should wait to see if Megan apologizes when She is done speaking with the teacher. Mention that she knocked her book off, give her a chance to explain. Megan was probably moving quickly and did not mean to knock Amy's book off.
What is the capital of Alabama
The 3 R's of Bullying
What is Recognize, Refuse, Report
Weigh lifting, Squats, Push ups
What is strength exercises
If there is a runner on 1st base and a runner on second base. Does the outfield need to tag the runner going to second base on the next kicker? Why?
What is no. It is a forced play. The runner on base 1 must run to second.
Give one way you can show good intentions to a friend
What is Ask her of she would like to meet after school to do homework together.
What is the capital of Michigan
What is Lansing
Define Bullying
What is a situation that is unfair and one sided. When someone keeps hurting, frightening or leaving someone out on purpose.
Sit-ups, yoga, pilates, plank hold, handstands
What is core exercises
If there is a runner on 3rd, and a runner on 1st, and the ball is kicked to center mid field, where is the easiest place to score a runner out?
What is 2nd base
If 3 different people want to be the writer for the jeopardy game. How are you going to set it up so that there are no hard feelings. What is your best way to react if you don't get to be the writer, and you wanted to.
What is Choose the person with the best handwriting, take turns. Know that your friends do not dislike you just because you didn't get to be the writer, try to play the game and have fun anyway.
What is the capital of West Virginia
Using this to control others in a harmful way
What is Power
Define your core
What is the muscles in your trunk area around your spine and belly. They hold you up.
When a ball is fought in the air, what are the 2 things that must occur.
What is the kicker is out, and all base runners must return to their bases.
You hang out with a group of 5 friends. 1 of those friends invites you over to hang out after school. What will you do if the other 3 friends find out you are hanging out and act jealous?
What is Explaine why you wanted to hang out just together. ( homework, need to talk, help with a project, common interest). Suggest a time when you can all to something special together.
What is the Capital of Rhode Island?
What is Providence
Define intention
What is something someone plans to do.
Name 2 components of fitness
What is Cardiovascular, muscular strength. muscular endurance, flexibility, Body composition
Name 4 ways of getting out in kickball
What is Tagged out, out at the base, caught in the air, shoe flies off, sliding into base.
Your best friend has been putting hands on you lately. You don't like it. Every time they do it, you ask them to stop, but they just say they are messing around. What would be another step before telling an adult, you could take with this person.
What is Tell them firmly that you will not be their friend anymore if they keep putting their hands on you. Let them know that of they keep doing it, you will tell an adult and get them in trouble. Do your best no to hang around with that person.
What is the Capital of Maryland
What is Annapolis