This person was Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) grandfather and took care of him after his mother passed away.
Who is Abdul Muttalib?
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) rode this miraculous creature from Mecca to Masjid Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem during the Night Journey.
What is Buraq?
This was the total number of Muslim fighters in the Battle of Badr.
What is 313?
This companion of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was sent as the negotiator to the Quraysh during the Treaty of Hudaibiyah.
Who is Uthman ibn Affan (RA)?
In his Last Sermon, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) spoke about the treatment of women, advising that they should be treated with this.
What is kindness and respect?
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) shared the message of Islam with this person first after receiving the revelation.
Who is Khadijah (RA)?
During the Night Journey and Ascension, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) received this special gift, which became a central act of worship for Muslims.
What is Salah (the five daily prayers)?
Allah (SWT) sent this many angels to aid the Muslims in their victory at Badr.
What is 1,000?
The Treaty of Hudaibiyah eventually led to this significant event, which resulted in the Muslims peacefully entering Makkah.
What is the Conquest of Makkah?
In his Last Sermon, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) emphasized the sanctity of this, saying it is as sacred as the sanctity of Makkah and Madinah.
What is the life and property of every Muslim?
During the 3 years of Boycott, the Muslims survived on this limited food supply.
What is leaves of trees?
During his ascension to the heavens, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) reached this sacred boundary, beyond which no creation can pass.
What is Sidratul Muntaha?
This companion, who was the uncle of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), was martyred during the Battle of Uhud.
Who is Hamzah ibn Abdul Muttalib (RA)?
After conquering Makkah, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) did this.
What is forgave his enemies and purify the Ka'bah?
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) passed away in this month of the Islamic calendar.
What is Rabi’ al-Awwal?
When the people of Taif threw stones at him, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) responded in this way.
What is that he prayed for their guidance and forgiveness?
This loyal companion stayed with Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the cave during their escape to Medina.
Who is Abu Bakr (RA)?
These were two reasons why most of the archers abandoned their post during the Battle of Uhud.
What is that they thought the Muslims already won the battle and they wanted their share of the spoils of war?
During his Farewell Hajj, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said this about equality among people.
What is that everyone is the same?
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) fell ill before his passing, and during his final days, he appointed this companion to lead prayers.
Who is Abu Bakr (RA)?
This king of Abyssinia protected the Muslims when they migrated to his kingdom to escape persecution.
Who is Negus (Ashama ibn Abjar)?
This was one of the reasons for Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) migration to Medina.
Hint: Danger/threat/plot
What is an assassination attempt?
These three companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) fought in the opening duels of the Battle of Badr.
Who are Ubaydah ibn al-Harith (RA), Hamzah ibn Abdul Muttalib (RA), and Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA)?
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) told us to hold onto these two sources so that we would never go astray.
What are the Qur'an and Sunnah?
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) passed away in this month of the Islamic calendar and in this city.
What is Rabi’ al-Awwal and Madinah?