Journalism today
Publishing online
Visual storytelling
Crowd-powered collaboration & data
In this era of the Internet, every content creator has an equal opportunity to have their message heard. That is, if people want to share their content.
What is Web 2.0?
In this style of communication — where short, frequent posts are made — it's not about the story, it's about the stream.
What is micro blogging?
This is the time limit for Twitter video uploads, which can be shot in smaller segments and edited together right in the mobile app.
What is 30 seconds?
Project-based collaboration that embodies the "many hands make light work" idiom by enlisting the services of a number of people to gain insight or information on a particular topic.
What is crowdsourcing?
This is sound recorded at the news event, normally played underneath the audio of the anchor or reporter or mixed in with video footage.
What is natural sound?
The practice of creating relevant and compelling content in a consistent fashion to a targeted audience, focusing on all stages of the buying process, from brand awareness through to brand evangelism.
What is content marketing?
A method of posting in reverse chronological order where each has one, substantive idea that encourages others to want to link to your post.
What is blogging?
The visualization of data, simplifying complex information, with tools such as graphs, charts, maps and diagrams.
What is an infographic?
The act of repurposing existing content by adding additional information or commentary and then linking back to the original source.
What is content curation?
Episodic audio stories that are available for download or streaming. One the dream of Odeo that became dominated by Apple.
What is a podcast?
A type of journalism where PR and content collide. It includes "research, storytelling and reporting for a non-media company, in that company’s line of business, with the goal of thought leadership." (as defined by social media guru @ericaswallow)
What is brand journalism?
During the Web 2.0 revolution, this user-generated site was dubbed the "newspaper killer," largely because the newspaper industry did not adapt their business model that relied too heavily on a certain section of advertisements.
What is Craigslist?
This mobile app lets users create a live stream of their event that will stay active for 24 hours and notify Twitter followers when you are streaming.
What is Periscope?
The practice of using keywords, cross-linking and clean formatting to rank higher in search results.
What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
External microphones that clip onto the subject for clear audio interviews. If used in a video, the audio is later synced to the clip during post-production.
What is a lapel or lavalier mic?
This social network has been dubbed the "front page of the Internet" for the tendency of its user-generated content to end up on mainstream news after gaining traction here first.
What is Reddit?
These Web-based tools commonly used by ad agencies and social media managers allow you to monitor and engage in multiple social streams, such as @ mentions, hashtag searches, and other notifications.
What is a social media dashboard?
This is the term that Jason Willis uses for his initial brainstorming process at the beginning of any video project. It includes thinking through keywords, characters and locations.
What is the Web of thought?
These are the metrics used to evaluate factors that are crucial to the success of an organization or initiative. In social media, these include reach, engagement, and click through rates.
What are Key Performance Indicators?
The technique for emphasizing words during vocal delivery of a script.
What is working your words?
These software solutions enable multiple content creators and editors update websites without knowing much, or any, code.
What is a content management system (CMS)?
This is the character limit for Twitter, which was once set by SMS text messaging limits but then shortened to accommodate for user handles.
What is 140 characters?
The clip shown in class that demonstrated a professor's research, which emphasizes that video content for the Web doesn't always need high production value.
What is "Shrimp on a Treadmill"?
These types of hashtags are created by an organization in order to frame the conversation around their product or service. Sometimes, they backfire #myNYPD.
What is a branded hashtag?
This is a short taped segment of the newsmaker speaking, each clip edited to 15 seconds or less and contains one main thought.
What is an actuality?