What is the name of your Principal?
The Honorable Mr. Lara
What are the three things to check for in an injured person?
Check for consciousness
Check for breathing and pulse
Check for uncontrolled bleeding
What uniform is worn to the Military Ball and/or other formal events?
The Class A, Class B or ACSU
Who is your Cadet Battalion Commander?
C/LTC David Trujillo
What are the two types of battalion staffs?
Personal staff- CSM and the color guard.
Coordinating staff: XO and the staff positions (S1-S5)
What uniform is worn to the JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge and adventure type activities?
OCP (Operational Camouflage Pattern)
Who is your Senior Army Instructor?
MAJ Pimentel
What are the 3 leadership attributes?
Character, Presence, and Intellect
Who is the Director of Army Instruction?
LTC Crossley
What are the three leadership styles?
Directing, Participating, and Delegating
What is the proper measurement for the name plate on the Class A uniform?
Females: 1 to 2 inches above the top button and centered on the seam on the right side of the jacket. Males: Centered between the button and the seam on the right side pocket of the jacket.
Who is the Commanding General of Cadet Command?
Major General Munera
Name all of the six core abilities that JROTC instills in every cadet.
1. Build your capacity for lifelong learning. 2. Communicate using verbal, non-verbal, visual, and written techniques. 3. Take responsibility for your actions and choices. 4. Do your share as a good citizen in your school, community, country, and the world. 5. Treat yourself and others with respect. 6. Apply critical thinking techniques.