The Commander-in-Chief is
Who/What is the president
What is the raider challenge
A competitive program for cadets in five different leadership skill events
How many JROTC highschools have army JROTC
The Command Sergeant Major is
Who/What is Carson Williams
What is the Air Rifle Competition?
Competitive marksmanship program to promote teamwork, self confidence, and esprit de corps
What is the second line of the JROTC creed
I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family, country, school, and the Corps of Cadets
The Batallion Commander is
Who is Julia Ball
What is JCLC
A program opportunity for cadets to practice leadership and teamwork skills in a hands-on leadership setting
What do cadets develop from being in JROTC?
They develop leadership skills and responsibility and citizenship.
What makes the JROTC uniforms complete?
Neckties,Belt,Black socks, Name tags, Pins, etc.
Your AI is
Who/What is SGM Fisher / SFC Tyson
How many cadets make a squad?
What are drill competitions
Competitive drill program in both regulation and exhibition categories
When was females allowed in the JROTC program?
What is 1973?
What are the names of the uniforms?
Class A uniform, Class B uniform, Army combat uniform.
The SAI is
Who/What is MAJ. Douglas
what year was JROTC founded?
JROTC was found in 1916
what is the highest let in rank level you can get?
The highest level you can get is cadet colonel.