The Commander-in-Chief is
Who is Donald Trump?
Define Leadership
What is the ability to influence others to accomplish a mission or task?
You fall-in at and start drill from what position?
What is The Position of "Attention"?
What is the mission of JROTC?
What is To Motivate young people to be better citizens?
When is the Army's Birthday?
What is June 14th, 1775?
The AI Is
Who is 1SG Mitchell?
In order to lead others, you must first learn to
What is Follow?
What is the length of a step? Half-step?
What is 30 inches / 15 inches?
What are 7 Army Values?
What is Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Self Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage?
What is the Bill of Rights?
What are The first 10 Amendments to the constitution?
The SAI is
Who is Major Eisenberger?
Define "Character"
What is A person's inner strength?
What are the 2 parts of a Drill Command?
What is Preparatory Command and Command of Execution?
How many stars are there on the U.S. Flag? What do they represent?
What is 50 Stars for 50 States?
The founder of JROTC is
Who is Captain Alden Partridge?
That Battalion CSM is
Who is C/Karen Galvan?
In leadership, __________ gives others a reason for why they should do something
What is Purpose?
What position are you allowed to speak while in formation?
What is The Position of "Rest"?
What Law Established JROTC?
What is the Passage of the National Defense Act, 1916?
What does JCLC stand for?
What is JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge?
That Battalion Commander is
Who C/Maylaka Stafford?
What does the leadership trait "Integrity" mean?
What is Truthfulness and Honesty?
What regulation governs Drill & Ceremonies?
What is TC 3-21.5?
What is the key to success in JROTC?
What is Teamwork?
When saluting the flag, we are saluting
What is The Nation?