What is 1SG's favorite football team?
Dallas Cowboys
What is the minimum number of Cadets required to have a color guard?
What are the 3 groups that march down to the football field from JROTC?
Color guard
Flag detail
Gridiron guard
What Command is used to revoke a Preparatory Command?
As you were
What is Captain's favorite football team?
Whoever is playing the Dallas Cowboys
US flag
State flag
Army flag
Battalion flag
What is the flag detail's cue to raise the American flag?
When the National Anthem begins to play
What does the gold star on the dress uniform represent
Honor unit with distinction
Where is the clock located in 1SG's classroom?
In the back of the room, hanging on the wall
Upon executing a right turn, how many steps should you take to complete the turn?
What formation do we use to conduct exercises at Gridiron Guard?
The extended rectangular formation
Which staff position is responsible for fundraising?
The S2
In Captain's class, finish this: "Top 10 things...."
Not to tell your teacher
Which flag does not dip during the National Anthem?
US flag
During the game, when are you instructed to call your ride home?
At the end of the 3rd quarter
Who was the Army Instructor before 1SG Powers?
1SG Powers has been the ONLY Army Instructor at DCHS since the program has begun
How does Captain keep kids quiet?
Feed them/snacks
What is this neck covering called?
What time to football games start?
What does the acronym JLAB stand for?
Joint Leadership Academic Bowl