Let 1
Let 2
Let 3
Let 4
Grab Bag
When marching what foot do you step off on
What is the left foot?
These are the three types of leadership
What is directing, delegating, and participating?
the three brances of government
What is legislative,executive, judicial?
facilitates a discussion between two disputing parties, using open ended questions to encourage a discussion of solution
What is a mediator
lives in a pineapple under the sea
Who is spongebob
the Highest level of decoration a Jrotc unit can be awarded
What is Honnor unit with distinction?
the directions you read a military map
What is right and up?
the five color of a military and what the stand for
What is Black-man made object,brown- elevation, blue-water, Green-vegetation, red-main roads
Hill, valley,saddle,ridge,depression
What is the five terain features of a map
Two men are in a desert. They both have packs on. One of the guys is dead. The guy who is alive has his pack open, the guy who is dead has his pack closed. What is in the pack?
What is a parachute
made up of two platoons
What is a company?
the name for the first ten amendmants to the costitution
What is the bill of rights?
the ability to influence a group of subordinates inorder to accomplish a goal?
What is leadership?
The to types of command
What is prepatory comand, and comand of execution
man gave one son 10 cents and another son was given 15 cents. What time is it?
What is quarter to two?
these are the tree types of north
What is true,grid,magnetic?
this man wrote a poem that later became a national anthem
Who is Francis scott key?
this act brought the begining of JROTC
What is the national deffense act of 1916
Logistics and supply Officer
What is S-4
The poor have it. The rich need it. If you eat it, you'll die. What am I
What is nothing?
The modified position of attention
What is Parade Rest?
this man is the comander in chief of the united states military
Who is barack obama
Three ranks higher then a Corporal
What is SFC
Blue winning color
What is Relator
A farmer is standing on one bank of a river, with a fox, a chicken, and a bag of grain. He needs to get to the other side of the river, taking the fox, the chicken, and the grain with him. However, the boat used to cross the river is only large enough to carry the farmer and one of the things he needs to take with him, so he will need to make several trips in order to get everything across. In addition, he cannot leave the fox unattended with the chicken, or else the fox will eat the chicken; and he cannot leave the chicken unattended with the grain, or else the chicken will eat the grain. The fox is not particularly partial to grain, and may be left alone with it. How can he get everything across the river without anything being eaten?
The man takes the chicken across first, leaving the fox and grain together on the other side. He returns and gets the fox, but when he deposits the fox on the other side, he takes the chicken BACK across, so that the fox and chicken aren't left alone together. He drops the chicken off back on the other side, picks up the grain, and takes it across to deposit with the fox. Finally, he returns to retrieve the chicken and takes it to the other side