One way, two way, or no way? This controversial feature of many UI frameworks has inspired many blog posts over the years.
What is data binding?
This utility library is the #1 most depended upon package on npm
What is Lodash?
This property specifies the stack order of an element.
What is z-index?
This Twitter account playfully stirs up mischief by taking people’s statements out of context
What is @horse_js?
All major browsers support the `prefetch` resource hint. Except this pesky laggard.
What is Safari?
This Model-View-ViewModel based framework was released on July 5, 2010. It was a big hit in and around Microsoft.
What is Knockout.js?
This npm subcommand introduced in 2018 helps you identify and fix insecure dependencies
What is npm audit?
'not-allowed', 'wait', and 'help' are all possible values of this CSS property.
What is cursor?
Full of opinions, this developer rose to fame by looking at different JavaScript snippets and saying: wat
Who is Gary Bernhardt
This API for complex rendering and compute, using hardware acceleration has 0% browser support
What is WebGPU?
(Use cases include demanding 3D games and acceleration of scientific calculations. Meant to supersede WebGL.)
Don't call it a framework. This "platform" for robotics and IoT was first released by Bocoup in 2012.
What is Johnny-Five?
What is npx?
If you want extra, non-displayed content inside an element to be replaced with a '...' set this property to 'ellipsis'
What is text-overflow?
Curious about style? Ask the creator and maintainer of JavaScript's "Standard"
Who is Feross?
66% of browsers will let you bring your favorite browser tab to life with this new(ish) feature.
What is SVG favicons?
Angular's big 2.0 announcement backfired because developers were angry over this major hurdle.
What is backwards compat?
npm famously doesn't want to be known as the Node Package Manager, leading to this running joke on the company's website.
What is different acronyms each time you load the page?
This html entity code is handy for hacky pixel-pushing content around with invisible spacing.
What is
Backbone and Underscore.js made him known. CoffeeScript made him some say (in)famous.
Who is Jeremy Ashkenas
Even Apple is experimenting with this image format that supports lossy and lossless compression, as well as animation and alpha transparency.
What is WebP?
This new framework describes itself as a "Rails-like framework for monolithic, full-stack React apps without an API"
What is Blitz.js?
Last published 2 years ago and once the center of a major controversy, this package still has over 5 million downloads in the past week.
What is leftpad?
You can display an ordered list in its opposite order by setting this property on the element.
What is reversed?
This 'full-time open sourcerer' has over 900 source repos on GitHub and over 1,100 npm packages.
Who is Sindre Sorhus?