How old was Joseph Smith when he first learned about the plates?
Who took a copy of the characters on the plates with their translation to experts and was told they were authentic?
Martin Harris
Where did Joseph and Oliver move in order to finish the last 30% of the Book of Mormon?
Fayette, New York (Whitmer home)
Where did Joseph and Oliver go to pray about the authority to baptize?
The woods
What miracle did David Whitmer experience just before he took his wagon to bring Joseph and Oliver to his family's home?
The field was plowed by 3 unknown men
Who told Joseph about the plates?
What book upon the plates did Joseph first translate?
The Book of Lehi
What title does Martin Harris, Oliver Cowdery, and David Whitmer all have in common?
The Three Witnesses
What did John the Baptist restore to the earth?
The Aaronic Priesthood
Who was shown the plates by a stranger?
Mary Whitmer
Where were the plates buried?
Hill Cumorah
What was taken from Joseph for a while when the 116 pages were lost?
The plates and the ability to translate
How many copies of the Book of Mormon were printed?
In what section can you find the words that John the Baptist spoke?
Section 13
Where did Joseph and the three witnesses go in order to pray to be shown the plates?
The woods behind the Whitmer farmhouse
How old was Joseph Smith when he was able to take the plates?
In April 1829 who did the Lord bring to Joseph to help with the translation and act as Joseph's scribe?
Oliver Cowdery
How much did they have to pay the printer up front?
What did John the Baptist tell Joseph and Oliver to do after they had the priesthood conferred upon them?
Baptize one another
As the three witnesses and Joseph prayed, nothing happened. Why did Martin get up and leave?
He thought he was the reason nothing was happening
Where did Joseph and Emma move to in order to focus on the translation?
Harmony, Pennsylvania
Once Joseph's scribe arrived, in about how many total working days was the Book of Mormon translated?
Between 65 and 72
Who owned the printing shop where the Book of Mormon was printed?
E. B. Grandin
Where did Joseph and Oliver baptize one another?
Susquehanna River
What is the difference of the experiences of the three witnesses and the eight witnesses?
Joseph showed the 8 witnesses the plates. The 3 witnesses where shown the plates by an angel and heard a voice from heaven