What is Magin David?
Mitzvot related to remembering events in Jewish history
What is eduyot?
Jewish people gaining civil rights and becoming German citizens in 1871
What is emancipation?
Who is Moses Mendelssohn?
Who is the person who translated the bible into German?
Kol Israel arevim zeh la-zeh כל ישראל ערבים זה לזה
What is that all Jews have to look out for each other?
"The Jewish Question"
What is how should we as a modern state treat the Jews?
What are the four parts of the tefillin?
What are the Batim, Straps, Knots, and Scrolls?
Mitzvot with reasons that are obvious for social reasoning
What is mishpatim?
The ability to use logic and discover truth on our own instead of trusting what we should believe/are told by the Church
What is the Enlightenment?
(Bonus points for saying the word that means Jewish Enlightenment)
Leader of early ultra orthodox
Who is the Hatam Sofer?
What's the difference between diversity and pluralism?
What is...
Diversity- having different sects of Jews
Pluralism- having the same type of Jews
He believed...
Concerned about American Jews connection to Israel
Covenant of destiny
Tries to connect american and israeli communities
Who is Donniel Hartman?
Jewish reminder hung on doorposts
What is a mezuzah?
A pure, abstract thought
What is a machshava?
Zecharia Frankel and Solomon Schecter
Who are the founders of Conservative Judaism?
Who is the founder of Chassidic Judaism?
The covenant that blinds us through shared history
What is the covenant of fate?
He believed...
Wrote a book “Why am I a zionist”
Argues why nationalism is a good thing and not a bad thing
Zionism brings Jews closer for a common goal
Who is Gill Troy?
An outer garment with 4 corners. Meant to provide a sense of protection while praying
What is a talit?
Lotze yedei chova יוצא ידי חובה
What is after you complete a mitzvah?
Who is Samson Raphael Hirsch?
Rather than be a traveling Kabbalist, he had bad legs and people came to him instead with their religious concerns
Who is the Maggid of Mezrich?
"Repair the world"
What is Tikkun Olam?
What is the area where a lot of Jews were locked in Russia?
The knotted threads on the corners of the tallit. A reminder of praying, mitzvot, God’s protection, etc.
Mitzvot for things we do
What is aseh?
What is the goal of the reform movement?
What is to promote morality and modernize traditions in order to be considered equal with other citizens?
A movement that investigated Jewish literature and culture and used science to analyze Jewish origins and traditions
What is Wissenschaft des judentums (The science of Judaism)?
Says “we have sinned, we have …” emphasizing the shared responsibility for one another as Jews
What is the vidui prayer during the high holidays?
ם תרצו אין זו אגדה What is the meaning of
What is if you will it, it is no dream (Herzl)?