Most gang members go to...
Jail or Cementary
They may arrest you if you break the law.
Law enforcement
What should we say when someone offers us drugs?
When you were in 1st and 2nd phase, what hand did you raise for a counselor?
Right hand
Which country invented the pizza?
When confronted by gang members, you should...
Avoid at all times
This person decides your punishment in a court of law
Substances that lead to the use of more serious drugs.
Gateway drugs
What day of the week is 3rd phase outings on?
How many states are in the U.S.?
Most gangs make money by doing this...
Selling drugs
A judge may sentence a person to this community supervision status instead of incarceration.
What is the #1 drug that kills people by abusing the substance?
Name 3 Counseling Interns
Counselor Gonzalez
Counselor Trevino
Counselor De Leon
Counselor Reyes
Which country invented football?
Handsigns, graffiti, colors, clothing and certain tattoos are examples of...
gang identifiers
These individuals are responsible for supervising the cadets at boot camp.
drill instructors (DI)
What is one of the main reason teens try illegal substances for the first time?
Peer pressure
Name the phases in order?
Orientation, first phase, second phase, third phase
What has a head and a tail, but no body?
a coin
Fear, a sense of belonging, money, and protection or obligation are all...
Reasons people join gangs
Who is the one person that can prevent you from getting into trouble with the law?
What is the legal age for people to buy alcohol and cigarettes?
What is the chain of command?
Drill Instructor, Assistant, Platoon sergeant, SFC Guerra, SFC De Leon, Captain
Jimmy’s mother had three children. The first was called April, the second was called May. What was the name of the third?
How do gangs affect the community?
Increase crime levels and can set bad examples for children.
Once graduated from boot camp, probation can last until...
Age 18
What is a drug addiction?
Continued use of drugs or alcohol that can cause health problems, disability, and failure to meet responsibilities at work, school, or home.
How many floor staff are there in total?
Name at least four military branches
Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard
What is the most common crime in our country?
Can a police officer question you for no reason?
Is addiction curable?
No. You are always in recovery
What is the max credits you can get here at bootcamp?
Theres no max.
Which Friday brings a lot of happiness?
Black Friday
Poverty, Neglect, Low Self-esteem, and alcohol/drug abuse.
What is the leading cause of death for children and teens?
What are risk factors for addiction?
Environment and Genetics
What happens if your parents do not call on time for visitation?
They cannot visit.
Name one of the largest animal ever
Drunk Driving.
If you have no money for bail, what happens?
You stay there, or someone has to put up collateral.
What can I do to help my friends who is addicted to drugs?
Offer support by encouraging them to seek help either from a counselor or medical professional.
Why are daily's important?
A lion is a herbivorous animal?
False. Lion is a carnivorous
On average how many people die on average a day from guns.
What is perjury?
When you lie in court.
What is released in the brain that makes drugs addictive?
When do we have a male counselor available to speak to everyone?
When is the last day for us interns here?
Friday December 6