What did Deborah tell to the man she called to fight King Jabin when he asked Deborah to accompany him?
You will not receive the honor for this victory.
Why did the people of Gideon ask Jephthah to lead them against the Ammonites?
He was known to be a great warrior
How many Philistines did Samson kill with the jawbone of a donkey?
Abimelech was the son of which Judge?
How did Abimelech die?
Had a millstone dropped on his head by a elderly woman -OR- was stabbed by his armor bearer after he had a millstone dropped on his head by an elderly woman
What was Gideon doing when he was called by the Angel of the Lord?
Threshing wheat in a wine press
What was the name of the Judge who killed the fat king Eglon?
Who did Deborah raise up to lead Israel against King Jabin?
How did the Philistines injure Samson when they captured him?
Blinded him / Gauged out his eyes
Why did Gideon’s ephod became a problem for Israel?
Israel worshiped the ephod as an idol / Gideon was not called to be the High Priest
How many fake means of making himself weak did Samson makeup before telling the truth?
Shamgar killed how many Philistines with an ox goad?
How was the General Sisera killed?
Tent peg driven through his temple
What is the name of the only woman to be named in Samson’s story?
How many sons did Gideon have?
Which Judge was the Nephew of Caleb?
What was the first recorded incident of Samson breaking his vow?
Eating honey from the body of a dead animal
Where did Deborah judge Israel from?
The Palm of Deborah
Why did Samson burn the Philistine’s crops?
Because his fiancé’s father married her to Samson’s best man when Samson called off their marriage
What was the tragedy of Jephthah?
He vowed to sacrifice the first thing to great him upon returning him if God made him victorious, and had to sacrifice his only daughter (and child) as a burnt offering to God
Abdon’s sons and grandsons rode on how many donkeys?
What attacked Samson when he traveled to meet his Philistine fiancé? How did he kill it?
A lion / ripped it’s jaws apart
What military technology made the General Sisera a formidable enemy of the Israelites, and how much of the technology did Sisera command?
Iron Chariots / 90
What was so awful about the Midianite oppression of the Israelites?
They tried wiping them out through starvation.
How many signs did Gideon ask for from God?