Which woman attempts to weaken the Nazarite Samson?
Who was Delilah?
Who kills their daughter as a sacrifice?
Who is Jephtha?
Who was the first Judge?
Who is Othniel?
This judge, who highlights the lesson that God uses sinful people sometimes to accomplish his goals, is known for his incredible strength (breaking pillars) and delivering the Israelites from the Philistines.
Who is Samson?
Who in the book of judges mustn’t eat anything of the vine or drink wine?
Who is Manoah’s wife (Samson's mom)?
What spews out of King Eglon’s stomach when Ehud slashes his stomach and kills him?
What is waste/bial/dirt?
Which Judge was left-handed?
Who is Ehud?
This judge, who highlights the lesson of the danger of reckless promises, made a promise to sacrifice the first thing that came out of his house if God granted him victory over the Ammonites, but was devastated when his daughter ended up being the person he had to sacrifice
Who is Jephthah?
How many women does Ibizan bring as wives for his sons?
Who are 30 outside women?
Who did Jael kill and what was her weapon?
Who is Sisera, what is a tent peg?
What is the role of a Judge in the context of the Bible? (Type of leader)
What is: military leader, judicial/political leader, and spiritual leader.
This judge, who highlights the lesson that victory comes through teamwork, worked alongside Barak to defeat Sisera’s forces and deliver the Israelites from Canaanite oppression.This judge, who highlights the lesson that victory comes through teamwork, worked alongside Barak to defeat Sisera’s forces and deliver the Israelites from Canaanite oppression.
Who is Deborah?
Where was Abimelech’s mother from?
What is Shechem?
What was the reason for the annihilation of the Benjamanites?
What is the rape and murder of the Levite’s concubine?
Name each part of the cycle of Judges, with a brief description of each part.
What is: Sin (Israelites commits sin), Slavery (God strengthens an opposing force which goes to oppress the Israelite), Supplication (Israelites cry out to God), Salvation (God sends a Judge to save them), and Silence (They receive a period of peace)?
This judge is considered the first judge of Israel, he teaches the people that his strength comes through relying on God’s power. Known as the one that “stepped up” for Israel when they were oppressed by the king of Mesopotamia he helped the Israelites realize that it’s possible to break free from sin.
Who is Othniel?
Ehud: the Left-Handed Swordsman
Which group of women do the Benjaminites pick from as wives?
Who are the daughters of Shiloh?
Shamgar killed 600 ___ with a(n) __
What is Philistines, oxgoad?
Name 5 Judges we learned about in order.
Who are Othniel, Shamgar, Deborah, Jepthah, and Samson?
This horrible event, where a concubine is abused and killed, shows the lesson of how bad things can get when people stop following God’s laws, and how even the worst situations can make people realize the need for justice and doing what’s right.
What is the story of the Levite’s Concubine?
What is the significance of Ehud being left-handed?
It shows how God uses unconventional means to deliver his people