Which Article in the Constitution is the Judicial Branch
Article III
What is the Highest court of the land
The Supreme Court
How many justices are on the Supreme Court
Established Judicial Review
Marbury v. Madison
How long is Federal Judge term
Judicial Branch main job is
Interpret the Laws
The head justice is known as what (title)
Chief Justice
How do federal judges reach the bench in court
They are appointed by the President and approved by the Senate
Separate was not equal
Brown v. Board of Topeka Kansas
Students protested Vietnam War by wearing armbands. Students rights were protected by 1st amendment
Tinker v. Des Moines
The authority of lower courts to hear the initial trial. (First to hear)
Original Jurisdiction
the court’s power to decide if a law is constitutional
Judicial Review
Sine the appellate court job is to make sure trials are fair and that the proper law was applied correctly. They can rule 3 ways. tell me 2 of them
Affirm, Reverse, or Remand
Limits power of Executive Privilege
U.S. v. Nixon
court’s failure the appoint counsel, and helped establish everyone's right to an attorney for a fair trial
Gideon v. Wainwright
What are the three levels of the federal court
District, Appellate and Supreme Court
What are the three possible opinions a Supreme Court Justice may give (Name 2)
Dissenting, Concurring and Majority
A friend of the court. Offers information, expertise, or insights that may assist the court in making its decision. These are typically filed in cases of public interest or when broader legal principles are at stake.
Amicus Brief
Court case dealing with prayer in school. verdict based off 1st amendment and the Establishment Clause
Engel v. Vitale
A person in custody must be informed of their rights
Miranda v. Arizona
Established the structure and jurisdiction of the federal court system in 1789
The Judiciary Act of 1789
Congress can pass amendment legalizing something that Supreme Court has called unconstitutional give me an example
11th, 16th or 26th amendment
Gives court the right to ask for a case record to be delivered to a higher court for review.
Limits on when a state can be sued 11th
Chisholm v. Georgia
Supremacy Clause helped decide this case dealing with immigration
Arizona v. United States