We use this tense in English with the ending "-ing"
Que es "presente progresivo?
This verb means to shower.
Que es "ducharse"?
Conjugate this verb in the "tú" form: acostarse
Que es "te acuestas"?
"They are talking" in Spanish
Que es "estan hablando"?
Conjugate the verb "poder" for all subjects except vosotros.
Que es "yo puedo, tu puedes, el/ella puede, nosotros podemos, ellos/ellas pueden"?
We take the "se" off this type of verb and move it to the front
Que es "verbo reflexivo?"
Give 2 verbs that have to do with nighttime routines.
Que son "acostarse, cepillarse los dientes, peinarse el pelo, afeitarse, ducharse, etc."?
"I tell the truth" in Spanish
Que es "yo digo la verdad"?
"I am doing homework" in Spanish
Que es "estoy haciendo la tarea"?
"os desayunais" is the conjugation for this subject
A type of irregular verb that changes in the "yo" form almost completely, e.g. yo PONGO, yo TENGO.
Que son "YO-GO verbos?"
Give 3 verbs that have to do with a morning routine.
Que son "desayunarse, ducharse, bañarse, afeitarse, ponerse, vestirse, etc."?
Nosotros form of "cepillarse los dientes"
Que es "nos cepillamos los dientes"?
Give an example of present progressive in English, then in Spanish.
ex: "we are running" and "estamos corriendo"
This verb means "to get angry" in Spanish
Que es "enojarse"?
o-ue, i-ie, e-i are examples of these type of verb changes.
Que son "stem changers?"
"I wash my hair" in Spanish
Que es "me lavo el pelo"?
"They wake up at 9" in Spanish
Que es "ellos se despierten a las 9"?
"We are sleeping" in Spanish
Que es "estamos durmiendo"?
"He shaves" in Spanish
Find the error in this sentence and say the correct response: Yo se pongo la ropa nueva
"We get dressed in the morning" in Spanish
Que es "nos vestimos en la mañana"?
Conjugate this verb for all subjects (minus vosotros): vestirse
Que es "me visto, tu vistes, el/ella se viste, nos vestimos, ellos/ellas se visten"?
Explain how "presente progresivo" is formed.
Estar + verbo con -ando o -iendo
Conjugate this verb in the vosotros form: relajarse
Que es "os relajais"?