Hvilken ørken er den største i verden?
Which desert is the largest in the world?
Hvilken artist har det siste året vært ute på "The Eras Tour"?
Which artist has been on "The Eras Tour" over the past year?
Taylor Swift
Hva heter familien som bor i Springfield i den populære tegneserien som har gått siden 1989?
What is the name of the family living in Springfield in the popular animated series that has been running since 1989?
The Simpsons
Hvilken idrettsutøver er kjent som "The Greatest" i boksing?
Which athlete is known as "The Greatest" in boxing?
Muhammad Ali
Hvilket dyr kalles ofte "kongen av jungelen"?
Which animal is often called "the king of the jungle"?
Hva heter hovedstaden i Canada?
What is the capital of Canada?
Hvilken norsk artist vant Eurovision Song Contest i 2009?
Which Norwegian artist won Eurovision Song Contest in 2009?
Alexander Rybak
I hvilken serie finnes den parallelle verdenen "The Upside Down?"
In which series does the parallel world "The Upside Down" appear?
Stranger Things
Hvilket land har vunnet flest OL-gull i vinter-OL?
Which country has won the most Olympic gold medals in the Winter Olympics?
Hva heter Norges største rovdyr på land?
What is the name of Norway's largest land predator?
Hva heter hovedstaden i Australia?
What is the capital of Australia?
Hvilket band ga ut sangen "Bohemian Rhapsody"?
Which band released the song "Bohemian Rhapsody"?
Hvilken serie handler om en vennegjeng i New York som stadig er innom caféen "Central Perk"?
Which series is about a group of friends in New York who frequently visit the café "Central Perk"?
Hvem er den eneste nordmannen som har vunnet Gullballen (Ballon d'or)?
Who is the only Norwegian to have won the Ballon d'Or?
Ada Hegerberg
Hva heter verdens største levende skapning, som kan veie opptil 200 tonn?
What is the name of the world's largest living creature, which can weigh up to 200 tons?
Hva er det høyeste fjellet i Afrika?
What is the highest mountain in Africa?
Hvilken artist er kjent som "The Queen of Pop"?
Which artist is known as "The Queen of Pop"?
Gjennom hvilken TV-serie ble Miley Cyrus først kjent?
Through which TV series did Miley Cyrus first become famous?
Hannah Montana
I hvilken by var sommer-OL i 2021?
In which city was the 2021 Summer Olympics held?
Tokyo, Japan
Hva heter verdens raskeste landdyr, som kan løpe opptil 112 km/t?
What is the name of the world's fastest land animal, which can run up to 112 km/h?
Hvilke to land ligger verdens høyeste fjell Mt. Everest på grensen til?
Which two countries does the world's highest mountain, Mt. Everest, border?
Nepal og Kina
Hvilken artist er kjent for sangen "Rocket Man"?
Which artist in known for the song "Rocket Man"?
Elton John
Hva er det egentlige navnet på superhelten "the Flash"?
What is the real name of the superhero "The Flash"?
Barry Allen
Hvem har rekorden for flest mål i Premier League?
Who holds the record for the most goals in the Premier League?
Alan Shearer
Hvilken fugl kan fly baklengs?
Which bird can fly backwards?