How much does this pasta cost?
- 9,50 kr
- 6,50
- 5 kr
6,50 kr
Who dropped Rikke so she hit her head on the window sill?
"Gamle" Halfdan
What's the name of this song?
Last christmas
How much does it cost to wash with soap?
12 kr
How much does this cost?
- 16 kr
- 13,50 kr
- 11,50 kr
11,50 kr
Who eats too much ryebread?
"Unge" Halfdan
What's the name of this song?
All I want for christmas is you
Point at kitchen 1
What is the main ingredient in Boller i Karry?
How much does this cost?
- 150 kr
- 217,95 kr
- 193,95 kr
Who eats pizza more than 3 times a week?
Name the artist
Justin Bieber
How long does it take to walk to storcenter Nord (according to google maps)?
12 min
Who is the oldest person in the kitchen?
When did Rema open on møllevangs alle?
- 2014
- 2016
- 2012
Who drinks tea with too much sugar?
"Ka' du skimte udenfor, at træerne står
Selvom alle blade forgår
Tiden læger alle sår, det mærker du når"....
"Træet er grønt igen til næste år"
How much does it cost to live in kitchen 2 (Price for the room)?
- 2500 kr
- 2700 kr
- 3000 kr
When was Youtube created?
who were the founders of Rema?
- Margit and Ole Reitan
- Peter and Inge Hansen
- Bente and Gunnar Hedberg
Margit and Ole Reitan
Who complaines about having to bike 2 km to uni?
"Everyone dancin' merrily in the new old-fashioned way"
What is Jan's last name?
What is Kuan's last name? (According to facebook)