What was Jules diagnosed with?
Non-small cell lung cancer
What is Jules DOB?
For Part 1, which med will participants likely address during the visit?
The Fentanyl patch
How long ago did Jules quit smoking?
20 years ago
For Part 2, would Charlie like the participants to send a chaplain?
No chaplain. They are not religious but not sure what else to do but pray.
For part 2, Jules has been ________ and ________ for the past 3 days.
Bedridden and Nonverbal
What 2 meds has Jules been using to manage their pain?
Morphine drops and Fentanyl patches
Maybe 4 days or so.
Does Jules die during Part 2?
No and the sim will end with the hospice nurse coming in to get an SBAR from the home health nurses.
How long has Jules and Charlie been together and where did they meet?
*Benign Improv
For Part 2, What kind of support are the participants likely to provide?
Comfort, emotional, and spiritual support
For Part 2, what is Charlie conflicted about with Neil and Nora?
Charlie isn’t sure how to be respectful of their wishes while remaining true to Jules. The rest of the family is very religious, and Neil would like to bring a priest in to give last rites and have the funeral at his church. Jules left that church and they both aren't religious.
For Part 2, how long has the home hospice aide, Samantha been helping out with Jules' care?
1 week
Is there anyone else that would like to be present with Charlie at Jules end of life?
Yes, Nora would like to be there.
What does SPICES stand for?
Sleep disorders, Problems eating, Incontinence, Confusion, Evidence of falls, Skin breakdown.