How many rooms apart were me and jack born?
What is 1
Who did I meet in the group first?
Who is Lauren
What color was my sophomore year hoco dress?
What is light blue
What cliche song was revived by the film Anyone But You?
What is Unwritten
What is the UMass Amherst mascot?
Who is Sam the Minuteman
Where were my 4-6 birthday parties?
What is Bounce-U
What year did I see One Direction in concert?
August 2014
How many grades did i have braces for?
4, 5th-8th grade
What nickname was Shayna given at nBc?
Who is Britney Spears
Who will be the first middle and last to turn 21? Name the six of us in order.
Who is lauren tvisha devlyn ruhi julia maddie
What’s the zodiac sign of the youngest one of us?
What is gemini
What year did beauty and the beat come out?
What is 2012?
What college did I do my SAT Math prep class presentation on?
What is UVA
IWho’s sibling will graduate last? Hint: name sibling, not us.
Who is aarya, in 2034
(we’ll be 28, college graduates, possibly preggo or married)
What was the most viewed disney channel tv show episode of all time?
What is the Phineas and Ferb Roller Coaster episode
What color was me and maddie’s fourth grade softball team?
What is maroon
When did Outer Banks premiere?
When is 2020
On what side of my face did I have my jaw infection?
What is left
How many jobs have our group collectively worked? Hint: babysitting, freelance doesn’t count.
What is 10: maddie at bruscits, ruhi at dance and eldc, devlyn at dads office and dirty dough, julia at eldc reffing kona and nbc
Who did my family used to take annual Ocean City NJ vacations with?
Who are the Youngs
What’s the names of my family friends that moved to Arizona?
Who is the Kornbluths; Camryn and Lindsay
When was the first post of ddoj?
What is may 7th 2021
How many highlights does ddoj have?
10: ok, brain, sigmungus, rizz, ohio ahh uncle, Highlights, sugma, kid named, finger, Giveaway!
What’s the closest college to uva that one of us applied to?
What is jmu