Section 1 The pursuit of Happiness
Sacred Scripture Ch. 2
The Books of the Bible Ch. 3
Creation Ch. 4
Covenants Ch. 4

Why are all humans naturally religious?

You are naturally religious because, like all human beings, you search for happiness 


What is the difference between the bible and a textbook?

The bible was inspired by God.


True or False? The first things scribes wrote were the oral traditions about Israels history up to the conquest of Canaan and stories about the creation of the world;

It is true.


How many creation stories are there in the section of the bible; Genesis?

There are two.


What is a religious Covenant?

A formal agreement or alliance among God and a specific religious group or the entire human race.


What is the definition of theists?

A person who believes in a personal and provident God. However, a theist may believe in one god or many gods.


Why is it important to learn about the bible?

It is important because we it helps us with our daily issues and life's challenges.


What is an amazing truth about the Bible?

God is revealing himself to us through the Bible just as he did to biblical readers hundreds and thousands of years ago.


What do the first three chapters of Genesis explain?

They explain what God wanted fro humanity, how sin affected humans, and how God offered people a promise of salvation. 

What are other uses for the term covenant besides religious uses?

Covenant can be used in secular settings, such as in the Community Covenant; it connotes that a strong desire for the well-being of others is involved in the agreement.


Why is it not possible for a person to find perfection in this material world?

He or she must look to the divine. Only God can fill your yearning for happiness. The desire for God is written in the human heart because man is created by God and for God.


Does the Catholic Church teach God dictated authors to write the bible?

No, God and the Holy spirit write through the authors.


What are the four divisions of the Old Testament?

The Pentateuch, Historical, Wisdom, and prophetic


What is the definition of original sin?

The first sin committed by Adam and Eve


Did one of the four terms of covenant seem to be significantly different from the other three?

The word "covenant" seemed significantly different because it's the only one that involves the strong desire for the well-being of the other rather than simply ensuring what one wants for oneself.


How do you know God wants you to be happy?

He created us with a desire for him so that we can come searching for him.


Who were the four Saints in this chapter that wrote about God and revealing him

St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John


How many books are there in the old testament?

There are 39 books.


What is the definition of devil?

The name for the fallen angel who refused to accept God or his Kingdom. Another word for the devil is Satan, or the "Evil one".


Why are covenants important in religion?

Making and keeping covenants qualifies us to receive the blessings God has promised


Why do you think God created people with a yearning that cannot be satisfied during their life on earth?

God created you with a desire for him that nothing else can satisfy so that you would search for him and find him.


Why can people encounter God in the Bible in a way they cannot in other types of writing?

A Bible was inspired, the living word, and applies to life now


What were the books of the old testament?

The Pentateuch, the Historical Books, the Wisdom Books, and the Prophetic Books, 


What was the first creation story and what was the first second creation story?

The first first creation story was Genesis and the first second creation story was Yahwist.

Who did God choose as his covenants?

Throughout life, God chose certain holy people to be his convents known as his chosen people.
